My kids know this rule. For the most part. Sundays Mama sleeps in. Get yourself cereal, be quiet and get along... Then I go and do something foolish, like allow 3 of 4 kids to have a friend over, which makes SEVEN kids in one house. One of which, apparently did NOT know the sleep in Sunday rule, even in the SLIGHTEST :o/
Of course when one kid wakes up, or at least this kid wakes up. ALL the kids are up. This did, help my ease of getting them all in bed this evening, but even so! ACK!
The weekend went well. We spent time together at the park. All but Destiny of course, who has her own life now. I took some pictures I really liked. I am too lazy to post them here. If you want to see them you can go here.
Anyway that is all I have for now. I started a new blog, you can see it here. It will be for cooking, and recipes and such. This one will be kept for kids and life and bitching :) Just what I needed. Something more to do :)
Of course when one kid wakes up, or at least this kid wakes up. ALL the kids are up. This did, help my ease of getting them all in bed this evening, but even so! ACK!
The weekend went well. We spent time together at the park. All but Destiny of course, who has her own life now. I took some pictures I really liked. I am too lazy to post them here. If you want to see them you can go here.
Anyway that is all I have for now. I started a new blog, you can see it here. It will be for cooking, and recipes and such. This one will be kept for kids and life and bitching :) Just what I needed. Something more to do :)
I dunno how you keep up with it all...