I am so excited! Tomorrow night, I am having my mother and father in law over for dinner. To repay them (somewhat)for all the help with us getting, and fixing up our new house. I am not sure we could have done it without them. They were there from the loan process, giving advice, looking at the houses we liked best before we paid for an inspection, helping us by fronting money for a fridge so we did not have to live out of a cooler for 8 weeks. I know I have mentioned before how awesome they are, but its worth mentioning it again.
So for dinner I am making "Roast Picante" glazed carrots, and Hot Crash Potatoes. I hope that it is good. I am a bit nervous as I don't normally invite people over and cook for them. Only my family who just complains, and picks :OP I just hope everyone can behave while we have company and I can get (and keep) the house clean before they come!
So for dinner I am making "Roast Picante" glazed carrots, and Hot Crash Potatoes. I hope that it is good. I am a bit nervous as I don't normally invite people over and cook for them. Only my family who just complains, and picks :OP I just hope everyone can behave while we have company and I can get (and keep) the house clean before they come!
This weekend is a pretty busy one. What with them coming over, Tim working in the evenings leaving me alone with the four. Destiny wants to have a friend over... "It will be like having a second ME here!" as if that is supposed to talk me INTO it?! FRISCO FESTIVAL is also this weekend. The rides (which I will NOT be riding) are all free. Its pretty awesome. Sunday I think I would like to attend church. I say that all the time and then Sunday rolls around and I look at my messy house and tell myself I need to clean it, and next week I will attend church.
So I am sure I can find time in this busy weekend, to let everyone (all 7 of you) know how my dinner party went, and the festival, well you KNOW there will more than likely be photos :) Stay tuned!
Oh and just for giggles, here is the nifty picture I took on Monday!
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