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Showing posts from November, 2012

You live, you make mistakes, you learn

Or I hope to hell you learn.  This role of parenting has gotten the best of me here lately. I'm trying my hardest but often times it doesn't seem quite good enough.  All I know is you have to make mistakes to learn lessons.  Its hard though seeing your children make dumb mistakes...wishing you would have taught them better, even though you know you have...hoping they learn and trying to work past the issues and move forward with your life together as mother and daughter. You never know how your going to react or how you should react until it comes down to it.  Then you spend time hoping you handled it right and never really knowing.

My kids

Siblings are crazy. The love hate relationship just dumbfounds me, an only child. If I had been spoken to by someone like my kids speak to each other.... I would have been in my closet crying my eyes out all.the.time.  I can understand how being an only child or having siblings can change who you are as a person. The few times my kids get along, I have learned to cherish. The times when, while Bailey poops Hannah sits out side the door and they do knock knock jokes... when Destiny and promise go to the mall together, and hang out. The stories that they share that I don't know about.... its a crazy relationship. I always wanted a sibling... just like my four all wish they were the only child.