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Showing posts from August, 2009

Sleep IN Sundays!!!

My kids know this rule. For the most part. Sundays Mama sleeps in. Get yourself cereal, be quiet and get along... Then I go and do something foolish, like allow 3 of 4 kids to have a friend over, which makes SEVEN kids in one house. One of which, apparently did NOT know the sleep in Sunday rule, even in the SLIGHTEST :o/ Of course when one kid wakes up, or at least this kid wakes up. ALL the kids are up. This did, help my ease of getting them all in bed this evening, but even so! ACK! The weekend went well. We spent time together at the park. All but Destiny of course, who has her own life now. I took some pictures I really liked. I am too lazy to post them here. If you want to see them you can go here. Anyway that is all I have for now. I started a new blog, you can see it here . It will be for cooking, and recipes and such. This one will be kept for kids and life and bitching :) Just what I needed. Something more to do :)

As the Pizza Turns (part 1)

I call this part `1, because I am certain, over time, there will be many more parts. (thanks to Alisa for the super cute title idea) A bit of background in case you are unaware. I am a waitress, at a local pizza place. I am not saying that I am the most fantastic waitress ever, but for the last 10 or so years, I have waited tables, and for the past 6 I have done so at this pizza place. People ask for me, I get Christmas bonuses from certain regulars, and well, I do a damn good job. I am not saying that I do it all, but I try to go above and beyond in my job. When it comes to setting up the salad bar, I make sure things are how I would eat them, I try to clean up my messes (although I AM Very messy) and I try to be a team player. Its just better that way right? You would think so. I leave my personal life at the door and act happy and pleasent no matter how irritated or sad or mad I might be. Let me also say that my assistant boss, has been there less time than me. She started out a...

Hosting Dinner

I am so excited! Tomorrow night, I am having my mother and father in law over for dinner. To repay them (somewhat)for all the help with us getting, and fixing up our new house. I am not sure we could have done it without them. They were there from the loan process, giving advice, looking at the houses we liked best before we paid for an inspection, helping us by fronting money for a fridge so we did not have to live out of a cooler for 8 weeks. I know I have mentioned before how awesome they are, but its worth mentioning it again. So for dinner I am making "Roast Picante" glazed carrots, and Hot Crash Potatoes . I hope that it is good. I am a bit nervous as I don't normally invite people over and cook for them. Only my family who just complains, and picks :OP I just hope everyone can behave while we have company and I can get (and keep) the house clean before they come! This weekend is a pretty busy one. What with them coming over, Tim working in the evenings leaving me a...

Another Blog From the Crazy Lady

My new name. Today was a nice day. I did not clean the house, even though its Sunday (the day I clean house) The kids got along, fairly well, for my kids. We had a birthday party go to and Tim worked nights, so a bit of a change in pace. My Aunt decided we should HIKE during the party. I was wearing flip-flops. This marks the second time I have been "hiking" and the second time I have worn the wrong footwear to do so. Fun. I fell on the way out, luckily NOT down the steep hollers we were nearby. I had Bailey on my back, and slammed down on my knee. I look like a 5 year old with the skinned up knee. Luckily though, I am counting the hike as my workout for the day. Especially since I lugged around an 80 pound 8 year old for 7 min. of the hike. It counts! When I went to leave the birthday party, like mother hen I was gathering up my "chicks" one, two, three..... Where is four? Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailey !!!! No answer. Bathrooms, no bailey. Creek, no bailey. WHERE...

Who IS That Crazy Lady???

Oh? Its me! Yep. There comes a time in parenting when you get to your last straw. You cannot just clock out , go on break, take a sick day... Nope. You have to stick with it and do your best. Sometimes doing your best, does not happen and instead you just go a bit insane. We were on our way to the Drive-In yesterday. A treat, something nice, and rewarding. Promise had a friend with her even. She is going through that phase (God please let it be a short phase) Where everything and I mean EVERYTHING, becomes and argument. Its blue, "No, its LIGHT blue". I work all day "You work PART OF THE DAY not ALL day". It does not matter, what you say, she will find the flip side of it and she cannot just hold it in, she has to bring up her side of it. EVERY. SINGLE.TIME. Let me just say it gets old. REALLY old. So were in the van, on our way to the drive-in and she is FIGHTING with me about more dumb shit. Things that don't matter, but she has to put her 2 cents in and...

Little things amaze me.

Its funny. I have given birth four times. Yet, I can watch it on TV, or see a friend, or even a regular customers new baby and I am just amazed. Simply AMAZED how that can happen. How something can GROW inside of you and become a REAL person! Birth, is amazing. I can watch TLC's a baby story all day long. In fact, I was watching it while in LABOR with Bailey. Both the nurse and Tim thought I was crazy. I just find it amazing and so cool. Totally cool. I think I should be a midwife, when I grow up. OR I could PHOTOGRAPH birth for people. yeah... Best of both worlds. What else amazes me? My garden! I can go look at it one day and the next it has changed, and grown SO much! Other peoples gardens amaze me too! On my walk yesterday I noticed a neighbor has WATERMELON growing. Just 4 or 5 watermelon out there in his garden, like he bought them at walmart and plopped them out in the yard. After buying things at the store, I guess you tend to forget where they really come from. Its AMAZIN...


That is the amount of time, that it takes me, to run/walk a mile. Sound good? NO! OH my. Endurance has never been my strong suit. I am going to overcome that though. I can already jog for 2 min. When before getting to sixty seconds about killed me. I want to be doing a mile in under 15:00 before the end of this month. I think that is doable. I hope it is! What made me decide to hop back on track, or at least take a step forward? My pants are getting too tight! My BIG pants! I am NOT I repeat NOT going to buy a larger size of jean. So my only other choice is to lose this weight! Smaller pants, I am all up for buying ;O) What else? I want to run a 5K. I wanted to run one before, but I was not ready and it rained the day of the 5K and I was afraid to do it alone. This time, I will have a friend, and I am starting to prepare now, and I can do it!!! I have to do it, or else what will I wear? Sweatpants? Pajama bottoms? Kids. Ahhhh . My kids. Today was one of those not so bad days. Kitty ha...

Fooled Ya!

Yesterday, a Sunday, upon leaving the house I noticed the flag was up on the mailbox. "Why is the flag up on the mailbox?" I wonder aloud. "Because." replies Bailey, "I wanted to TRICK the mailman!" Giggles from the boo. What a silly boy. Its things like that they do that makes me so glad I got the opportunity to be a mom. Its times like today, when the only thing they can do is call mean names and fight and smack and hate each other, that I wonder what the hell I was thinking!!! I guess like anything there are good days, and there are bad. As long as the good are better than the bad... well your good. Right? Middle school orientation was today for Destiny. Big school. Crazy full of kids, most taller than me. It kinda made me miss school though. I loved school, yeah, I was a freak like that. Going from class to class, my locker, teachers, school lunch even. I loved it. I guess because I was home schooled for the most part, the small amount of time I di...

PLEASE. I will never ask you to do ANYTHING again.

After you have pleaded with me 20 times, and said this... I KINDA don't believe it anymore... Plus I would not want you to NEVER ask me to do ANYTHING for you EVER again. Just LAY OFF a little bit now and then, thats all!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEESH. I am NOT her beck and call and if I don't put my foot down now, she will just continue to walk all over me... I am NOT a taxi. I am NOT a taxi. Its hard to look at that face and say no. But dangit. I cannot be 20 places at once, and I have other kids that want to go places too!!! So now she probably hates me. Because I wont pick her AND a friend up, bring them home so she can change and THEN take them to the mall. Friend lives WALKING distance FROM the mall. I told her to wear what she's wearing and walk there. So I of course, am about the worst mother ever out there... Oh well I guess.

Ripe and Juicy

Finally. I have a red tomato. Made my day yesterday worthwhile. I have still not picked it. I think it could use another day to be at its peak. I am drooling over it though. Some salt and pepper and mmmmmmmm. Yesterday was a stressful day. I had a lot to do, and not much help. I am okay with not having much help most of the time, but when someone is not doing anything ... well I expect a bit more help. Tim found a job though!!! Its less pay than his prior job, but its a job. Money coming in, paying bills. I cannot complain. Of course he will still be looking for something better, which I will stay on his ass about, and he is already getting sick of me I can tell. Ah, the joys of marriage. So today is full of Dentists, work, hair cut for the girl, make dinner, clean up, fun fun fun fun. I would also like to go and take pictures today. I just want to go out and do something for ME for a little while. I think I will :) Oh and I have to beat Stephanie's butt on the Wii fit step gam...

Never Happy

Why is that? Why is it that I never am happy with myself, or my hair. When I was young and skinny I thought I was fat, then I got fat. Then lost weight, but even once I was at a nice, reasonable weight, I felt fat. Now I got fat again, and look back when I was that reasonable weight and THAT is my goal. If I get there, will I be happy? Probably not. My hair. It was long I got it cut, then I wished I could pull it up, finally it grew out enough to pull up and I got sick of only having it pulled up. Chop. Now. I am dissatisfied with my hair again. I think I could be happy with it, with some minor adjustments, but will I go back and ask for her to change it? Probably not. Maybe I will. I will try to get used to it first though, I think. I learned something new today. I learned how to make this: Now can someone tell me what it is called??? Having been home taught for my middle school and elementary school years, I did not learn the cool hand clap games, or how to fold notes to look like f...

If its not the husband...

Its the teenager. My mother in law has a fantastic saying. She says "God makes them teenagers, so its easier to let them go." Ain't that the truth! I am ready for her to be eighteen now!!! It is easy when they are little, and the only friends they have, are friends of grown ups that you know. When they are teenagers, they sort of have their own lives, and friends who you have NO idea who the parents are!! It makes keeping tabs much harder. What scares me more than anything else, is knowing at some point, some point sooner than I think, ALL of my children will be teenagers, and think of me as nothing more than a taxi and cook. It is crazy to look at her and see that she is nearly grown. As tall as me, with boobs, and curves and those crazy freckles on her nose... My baby, but yet a woman. No one told me about this 13 years ago. I am very upset! So I have to let her be independent, and every moment she is away I am scared to death she is going to make a stupid choice...

And then tomorrow came....

Okay. First off. If your going to let someone "Go" have the decency to do it WHILE they are still at work. Don't make them get ready the next day and drive there just to tell them what you should have told them the day before. Its CRAP. Tomorrow came. As much as I did not want it to, it did. With it came what I was thinking was about to come... Just like I said you cannot live for today. Not completely. If you could/did, well if I could, I would not care that my husband just lost his job. BIG DEAL. I am living for today, and today all the bills are paid there is food in the fridge and were doing fine.... I have to look forward to tomorrow, or well next week, when the mail comes and wants me to pay for the lights we've used and all that good stuff. Ahhhhhh. If only I could live for today. So he was fired. Why. Apparently he called a co-worker a bitch. She probably is one. Does she realize she just got a man with FOUR children and a wife and a brand new mortgage fired?...

Live like there is no tomorrow....

You know. Its just not possible to do. I mean I guess it could be possible, but if you lived like there was no tomorrow for real, you would not send your kids to school, or go to work, or stop to do dishes, or save any money... Right? What would be the point? You would want to spend every last second doing what you love, not earning a living to pay a mortgage that was never going to come due. So there is no such thing as living like there is no tomorrow, unless maybe your about 3 weeks old. This being said. Tomorrow is uncertain. With my life every moment is I guess. We just got a new house, we waited to make this purchase until Tims job was solid again, as last time we went to start looking he LOST his job. Well guess what... Just paid the first months mortgage and shit, as we know it, although not cat shit this time, is about to possibly hit the fan... I do not quite understand it. I have had the same job for 6 years. I have never been written up, or even hollered at. Yet in that ...

The Best Way To Wake Up....and the rest of my day.

Today, I am sound asleep as I normally am when in my bed. I hear Tim get up and he says and I quote "Fuckin' great" I, in my half asleep world think we are late for school, this being only the 3rd day in. So I say, are we late? "No. Fuckin' cat SHIT in the bed, AGAIN." You see the new kitten shit in the bed LAST night as well. I realize at this point it is not even light out yet, so OF COURSE we are not late. No sooner than I open my eyes, Tim flings the remote, and SLOP. A cat turd gets tossed against the wall, and STICKS. "good job Timmy." he says. I know at this point its better NOT to laugh since he is tired, covered in shit and not thinking the situation is very funny. Inside I laughed. As we changed the bed, and he told the cat he was starting to not like it so much... I mentioned, very quietly that HE was the one that said it was OK for the boy to get a cat. LOL. We go back to bed, an hour left to sleep before alarm time. Boo. I hate interr...

OREO (Double Stuff)

So today... I get home after working 9-3 and the damn dog is SHUT in my room. The door will shut itself, as its not balanced or whatever, so he was in here, and it shut. She never thought to look for him, or let him out. Whatever. So I go to let him out and he's all happy slappy to see me, as dogs are when you get home and they have been locked up all day... When I notice, a box of OREOS (double stuffed) on the floor. EMPTY. We just got groceries (and the oreos) yesterday. O M G. I FLIP thinking the dog is going to die... I get online and look it up and apparently they have such a SMALL amount of ACTUAL chocolate, he should be fine... So then I go chasing him aroudn with the package trying to beat his ass... Funny how a naughty basset can run faster than me! Damn dog. Anyway later I go to pee. And there is what I THOUGHT was "Shit" on the toilet seat. I am thinking OH HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL no, because the ONLY Person home was Destiny adn WHY The fuck was she in ...