Today was the school mother daughter tea party. I took miss Hannah Bear. She had a good time. A few of her friends were there. They got to get their nails painted, some make up on... There was a stack of dresses to try on and then model on a "runway" oh and of course some tea and snacks! (my favorite part of course)
The kids school had a scare today. It was locked down and police were called after a man was seen just wondering around the playground at recess time. Again it makes me SO glad they go to a small school where teachers know parents and know when someone who does not belong, is there. No one was hurt, and the man just walked off when a teacher asked him his reasons for being there... Scary anyway.
This week has been slower than the last, for that I am thankful. I am still busy don't get me wrong, but I am able to keep my head above water with just a minimal tread. Not having to do the backstroke all week is nice!
It is nearly "my time" So be tuned for a bitch blog here before too long. I am already feeling my emotional wreck like state coming out. Oh womanhood. Gotta love it!
The kids school had a scare today. It was locked down and police were called after a man was seen just wondering around the playground at recess time. Again it makes me SO glad they go to a small school where teachers know parents and know when someone who does not belong, is there. No one was hurt, and the man just walked off when a teacher asked him his reasons for being there... Scary anyway.
This week has been slower than the last, for that I am thankful. I am still busy don't get me wrong, but I am able to keep my head above water with just a minimal tread. Not having to do the backstroke all week is nice!
It is nearly "my time" So be tuned for a bitch blog here before too long. I am already feeling my emotional wreck like state coming out. Oh womanhood. Gotta love it!
The mother daughter tea party was fun. We had a good time too.