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Liz Said I Needed To Blog....

 I get on kicks where I blog my little head off and then I have times where I just don't. I guess lately its been one of the "don't" times.

 Lets see. Today is week 2 since my kitty has had his leg amputation done. He went to the vet yesterday to have the staples taken out. He has a bit of a complication and infection on his insision and it is being treated with a washing and antibiotics each day. If it gets worse, or does not get better, he may need another surgery. When we told the vet there was no possible way we could afford that he promised he would work with us, to get Pawlie better, even if he had to "Drastically" reduce the price to get it affordable for us. I found this very awesome of him. Hopefully though it does not come down to that anyway.

 The kids:

 Destiny has been being amazingly good. She has turned in all her school work so far this year, and although she does not do great on tests, she is keeping her grades at an acceptable level. I am very proud. Her attitude has been better, she has been more helpful around the house, and most of all she has been wanting to spend time with me and workout at the gym!

 It is great to be at this point in a relationship with her although I know its likely to not last. I feel like I have another friend almost. A workout buddy to say the least, and finally one that is MORE raring to go than I am. Its normally the other way around. She is wanting to get a "six pack" oh my.

 Promise has taken over where Destiny left her attitude.... Maybe not quite but pretty much! She is doing really well this year in school as well, and she is even running for class president! VOTE FOR PROMISE! :) She had an earache at school the other day and upon taking her to the doctor we found out she STILL has a tube in from like 3 years or more ago!!! They were supposed to fall out. So all this time she's been swimming and bathing without worrying about not getting water in her ears.... GO figure. So a trip to the ENT is in order soon... Note to self: DO NOT FORGET TO CALL ENT!

 Bailey is the most caring boy I have ever met in my life. He is such an awesome kid. So worried about Mr. Pawlie when we take the cone off he freaks afraid he's going to mess with his insiscion. He was nearly in tears the other night watching the BIGGEST LOOSER because the one lady was saying how her parents always blamed her, for letting her little brother drown in a kiddie pool. (she was 2 at the time) Bailey asked if that really happened and why it would. I did not have an answer for that. :O(

 He is still total boy though and a butthead when he wants to be, that is for sure.

 Hannah. She has been throwing a fit (literally) all week because I will not sign the paperwork for her to get a flu shot at the school this year. At one point I told her I would just to get her to hush.... So now the fit is that I lied. I did, but it was for everyone in the households sanity at the time!

 Hannah just loves school, and homework. She loves her teacher this year and when Destiny lets her "hang" with her she is in seventh heaven!

 Tim informed me today that when I "ride his ass" it makes him feel like a 3 year old... Problem is when I do not "ride his ass" he never does what he said he was going to do! We gotta meet in the middle somewhere babe!

 Work has been pretty busy this week, so I have actually made some money. That is very VERY nice. I cannot wait for tax time to come and to get everything that is on credit (cat and dental bills) PAID OFF so I do not have that payment any more! Hopefully this next year things can get ahead? We shall see.

 Other than that life has just been life. Nothing too outrageous. My Aunt might be expecting. She is late, but refuses to test just yet... That of course is killing me!!!! So now the kids want ME to have another baby.... Not happening kiddoes! We will just have to go to Aunt Heathers and soak up baby love there ;o)


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