My poor baby girl. She turned seven on the 19th. The day of her birthday we did our Christmas cookies and gift exchange with friends, and then we went to birthday dinner. She wanted to invite a few friends to a blow up fun place for her birthday... but whenever I called over break, I just got a machine. My guess is they went out of town for the holidays. She finally surrendered to just going with the family some place. Then daddy was working nights, and then now, well now the roads are covered in this white stuff!!!
Finally this evening since Promise keeps mentioning how its "nearly HER birthday" we decided to have Hannah's cake. She wanted tinkerbell but I did not see any at the store, so we made a purple bundt cake with sprinkles. She said she loved her cake, so even though I put the frosting on before it was cooled and half of it melted... And it was over a week late, and it was not Tinkerbell, she loved it :)
Finally this evening since Promise keeps mentioning how its "nearly HER birthday" we decided to have Hannah's cake. She wanted tinkerbell but I did not see any at the store, so we made a purple bundt cake with sprinkles. She said she loved her cake, so even though I put the frosting on before it was cooled and half of it melted... And it was over a week late, and it was not Tinkerbell, she loved it :)
Look at her pointing out the fact that she is seven... yeah yeah.
Besides our late party for Hannah, we also went sledding. Well first I drove (on icy roads) all over the place trying to find a sled for sale. My mom told me "clorie this is Arkansas" But I KNOW I have seen sleds for sale before, before when there was not even a slight chance of snow of course. Today I could find NOTHING.
So I got a yoga mat. Yes. A yoga mat. When we were getting ready to leave, I looked around the garage for something else, tupperware lid, something and I found it... The sheet linoleum from when we took out the carpet.... I cut 3 strips of it, round about sled size... What do you know?? FREE SLEDS! They worked wonderfully!
So the kids sled, I sled (and froze) when we were getting ready to leave, I gave our "SLEDS" to some boys that were rolling down the hill because they had no sled, their mom probably could not find any either! So I felt like I did a good deed for the day! Promise even told me I was so nice. Bailey insisted, with bright red cheeks and runny nose that he was NOT cold and wanted to sled some more. I convinced him to come home for hot cocoa.
School is closed again tomorrow. Hold me. My kids cannot get along for more than 20 seconds at a time. They are ripping each others hair out, and I would like to just be bald by now.... It is supposed to stay cold ALL week. I am about to go out there with my hair dryer and melt the stuff myself... My kids NEED TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!
So there you have it. My day today. Lets do it again tomorrow, minus the snow in the pants while sledding. I think my butt is still partially frost bit :OP
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