Life. Life with a teenager, soon to be 2 teenagers, and at one point I will have THREE teenagers in the house at once, that is, if (hopefully) Destiny is gone by then! What was I thinking? They are SO darn CUTE when they are babies... What has happened????
Don't get me wrong. Destiny is an awesome kid. As far as I know she does nothing illegal or horribly wrong. She is a major, eye rolling, PITA teenager though that is for sure... The mall, is the hangout now. I am expected at the drop of a hat, to drive her there, and pick her up whenever she feels the need (or want) to go, which is, whenever she has a friend there.
She has also figured I guess, at the ripe ole age of thirteen she no longer needs to ask permission, but just TELL me where and when and who's house she is going to. I am amazed at how many children have stayed at my house without ever even setting EYES or ears on me to make sure it was okay, that I would be home, that I don't allow drugs or teenage boys in my house... That i am not some crack whore... I mean really, what do they know?
So life with a teenager, its interesting. I have heard stories, heck, not long ago I WAS a teenager... I remember the eye rolling, thinking my mom was nuts and knew nothing, did not understand my life, hated me, was so very unfair... I can remember this, and I can see myself being those things. Sure I could have dropped everything and just drove her to the mall today... I guess I am mean and unfair.
My Mother-In-Law (who lived through her twins teen years to tell about it) Said once, that God makes them teenagers, so its easier to let them go when they turn 18. I am totally understanding how that must me so very true. SO very true. When she was so little and cute I wondered how I would ever let her leave my side, but slowly and surly I have wanted to push her off a cliff, or I mean on her way out the door to adult hood without as many problems letting go.
Damn I still love the kid, but today I did not like her very much. Today was a hard day. Then this evening she 360'd and she is sweet and even kinda cute again. Not sure how she does that, but she does it. Damn her.
Don't get me wrong. Destiny is an awesome kid. As far as I know she does nothing illegal or horribly wrong. She is a major, eye rolling, PITA teenager though that is for sure... The mall, is the hangout now. I am expected at the drop of a hat, to drive her there, and pick her up whenever she feels the need (or want) to go, which is, whenever she has a friend there.
She has also figured I guess, at the ripe ole age of thirteen she no longer needs to ask permission, but just TELL me where and when and who's house she is going to. I am amazed at how many children have stayed at my house without ever even setting EYES or ears on me to make sure it was okay, that I would be home, that I don't allow drugs or teenage boys in my house... That i am not some crack whore... I mean really, what do they know?
So life with a teenager, its interesting. I have heard stories, heck, not long ago I WAS a teenager... I remember the eye rolling, thinking my mom was nuts and knew nothing, did not understand my life, hated me, was so very unfair... I can remember this, and I can see myself being those things. Sure I could have dropped everything and just drove her to the mall today... I guess I am mean and unfair.
My Mother-In-Law (who lived through her twins teen years to tell about it) Said once, that God makes them teenagers, so its easier to let them go when they turn 18. I am totally understanding how that must me so very true. SO very true. When she was so little and cute I wondered how I would ever let her leave my side, but slowly and surly I have wanted to push her off a cliff, or I mean on her way out the door to adult hood without as many problems letting go.
Damn I still love the kid, but today I did not like her very much. Today was a hard day. Then this evening she 360'd and she is sweet and even kinda cute again. Not sure how she does that, but she does it. Damn her.
No its not her birthday, but I Found this picture today and thought of her and her cute little baby toes and it made me realize why I love her so damn much.... Was she not the cutest thing ever???
She told me today, that I do not do anything for her... So just for my own benifit, I would like to list a few things... That I do... for HER.
We had grandpa build a room, that would be HER very own room when we moved in here
I take her many places, maybe not EVERYTIME she wants, but many times
I pick her up first from school 90% of the time, even though, she could walk
I up to this point have bought 98% of her clothes and shoes she wears
I pay for her cellphone, added unlimited texting so she could text away
drive her TO school even though she could walk
Then of course the things I must do, but I still do them
Feed her
Give her shelter
let her live in my house
put up with all her crap
love her
help her with homework (when I can)
worry about her 24/7/365
give her stuff for christmas when all she deserves is a lump of coal
yeah.... I don't do much. Nothing any other mom doesn't do I guess. Nothing special.
Oh and lets not forget the years I wiped her ass, drooled on chin, and cleaned up her vomit. I didn't do anything for her back then either I am sure....
Ungreatfull teenager.
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