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Queen Bee... That's ME!

 It goes without saying that quite often people try to get out of doing their job. Many times I have come to work, to dirty tables, floors, trash not taken out, even dishes in the sink... Among other things. Does it make me mad? Of course, if you have ever read even one of my blogs, you would probably have not had to ask that question. This is my outlet and I often vent about others not doing their jobs.

 So yesterday I had a lot going on. I had to get my husband from work, as our second vehicle has chosen to not start anymore. I had to get blood work done and look into moped ownership. My mind was not all there at work and I guess dishes were still in the sink when we left.

 I come in to work this morning, very happy with the way things looked. The girl that only works two days a week at our store always works hard and does a great job. I have never been upset with the close when it has been her.

 I went to do some dishes when opening this morning and find a note, printed out from our computer that reads " Your Mommy Do not work here. If you waited on the tables and made the tips, you should do the dishes, the night crew should not have to clean up your mess" Or something like that. I know that "My mommy DO NOT work here" I would probably be even less likely to have left dishes in the sink if she did, honestly. It was a rough day, I did not mean to leave dishes and quite honestly 90% of the time I do my fair share plus some at work.

 Were going to need a lot more printer ink if were supposed to be leaving a snooty note for every thing that is not done by the other shift every day. Sam's club roll of tape too please. So needless to say that set my mood for the day. It did not make me happy.

 So of course I went on and on about my "love note" throughout the day.... Saying I would leave a note for like everything that was brought up... Mostly being funny but annoyed at the same time. Later bossman was telling the other guy who came to help out today that I was the "Queen Bee" and since I was, all the drones work hard to protect me, because without the queen there would be no colony. LOL! This put me in a bit of a better mood. They love me... They REALLY love me. HAH!

 So that was my day today. Were looking into getting a moped, the car will not start, it has been running on its last leg quite honestly for a very VERY long time. Its 16 years old... and has so many issues. Its amazing its lasted this long, but I do not want to plunk more money into it, so the moped route is looking like the best for us. That should be fun. :)


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