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"The Music Man"

 I knew someone it was either online or a real life person... That had told their children when they were small, that the truck that played music in the summer was the "Music Man". So they did not have to deal with the constant need of a dollar every time the music was heard. Smart woman that one is!

 This afternoon, its beautiful outside. Blue sky white fluffy clouds, sunshine and I think 70 degrees! So who else would pop out onto the roads besides the music man, whom my kids refer to as the "Icecream man". Good golly. Its funny how my child with "bad hearing" is the first one to have figured out he was nearby.

 Mama, can I have a dollar? I tried to ignore him, but he followed me. "Mama, just a dollar, I'll pay you back." I tried to reason with him... Told him about the OREO PIE that was in our freezer for dessert. "Please, just a dollar" Well not really a dollar, because all you moms of more than one know, if ONE of the kids gets a dollar for the icecream, then ALL the kids get one (if they are home) I currently had five kids in the house. FIVE DOLLARS would buy a whole TUB of icecream. I tried again to ignore him. He continued to follow me and beg. I of course, gave in. Why not. I remember always wanting icecream from the damn truck too.

 I went to my wallet, and got 5 one dollar bills, which was the amount of kids that were here. Bailey RAN to the living room, calling names, passing out dollars and mentioning the truck being on its way... Just as said truck passes by our house. I have NEVER in my life seen 5 kids run so fast so quickly out of my door.

 Waving dollar bills, they run after his truck and either he knew they would follow farther and thought it was funny, or he did not see them, for about half a block. So I figure they burned the calories they are going to ingest.

 Its funny how things that are so good, or important or cool to do, just lose that luster once you have bills, and children of your own, and a much weaker stomach. I would have rather bought that tub of icecream, they could have had a scoop every night for a week. They would not have darted, half a block for it though. LOL.


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