Its always fun to dress up, to pretend. So on Halloween I like to dress up too! Every year, since I have lived in Arkansas I have taken the kids to "trunk or treat" At the church in Lowell. Its usually a good time. Candy, not to mention free corn dogs, soda and popcorn while you wait in line. Free is always awesome. Oh and for some reason one of the dogs keeps taking a crap in the house... I guess its too cold to go outside. This morning one had done it and when Tim was cleaning it all the kids were screatching so he chased them around a little with a pile of poo... that is a man for you.... So fast forward to later in the day when I am cleaning the kitchen... All of a sudden, near my microwave cart, on a shelf, up about waist level, is a turd. A dog turd. For a moment I sit and wonder HOW the hell the dog got up there, and then I realize it must have fallen while my husband was chasing girls with it. Lovely right? Do boys ever really grow into...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!