November 3rd.
Today I am thankful for hot baths. For indoor plumbing. Amazing stuff. Often taken for granted, but I have lived through several times of no flushing toilets and only one (long ago) with four children... I am thankful that we have a washer and dryer, dishwasher, flushing toilets and sinks that drain.
I am thankful that my kids are all old enough, that when its needed (and tonight, it was needed) I can lock myself in the bathroom for a little while and take a scalding hot bath. Soak. Have my ears under water and let everything just disappear... Sometimes you just need a bit of peace and quiet. Sometimes the only place to do that is with your head under water in the tub... So thank you, indoor plumbing. For taking away our waste, helping us to clean things and ourselves, and for allowing me alone time, and time to relax.
Today I am thankful for hot baths. For indoor plumbing. Amazing stuff. Often taken for granted, but I have lived through several times of no flushing toilets and only one (long ago) with four children... I am thankful that we have a washer and dryer, dishwasher, flushing toilets and sinks that drain.
I am thankful that my kids are all old enough, that when its needed (and tonight, it was needed) I can lock myself in the bathroom for a little while and take a scalding hot bath. Soak. Have my ears under water and let everything just disappear... Sometimes you just need a bit of peace and quiet. Sometimes the only place to do that is with your head under water in the tub... So thank you, indoor plumbing. For taking away our waste, helping us to clean things and ourselves, and for allowing me alone time, and time to relax.
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