Pretty cool date! And it's Friday...and it's veterans day. So what am I thankful for today...and everyday? For the brave men and women who have, are, or will one day serve our country!
Of course my husband is at the top of that list. He served in dessert storm while I sat in my best friends basement playing Barbie dolls! I remember all the talk of Warcraft really freaking me out. I cannot imagine actually BEING IN IT.
The girls father is serving as well. Out on a ship right now learning what needs to be learned and doing what is asked of him. Miles and months away from his family and friends...all to keep not only his own children, but mine and everyone else's children safe. It's a huge sacrifice to make for anyone and I am very thankful that people make that sacrifice for our country.
I an also thankful for my little boy and girl scout who get to seat all the veterans in the assembly at school today. They are so proud of their daddy too. Wearing their little uniforms today. Wish I could be there for it.
Happy veterans day to all. And to those deployed I hope and pray that you return home safely.
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