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Showing posts from June, 2011

WIthout the twists and turns of the road....

 You would get bored and fall asleep at the wheel right?  Life has to change. It goes from one direction and then has a tight right angle towards the left when your least expecting it. So I guess its important to go slow and always watch the road.  Such is life. You never know what your gonna get and a bunch of other cliche's that might just sum up what I am feeling at the moment. There really is no way to totally describe it. I like to look at the bright side and for now there is still a lot of bright side to look at. So much so I need sunglasses, but that twist in the road gave me a bit of whip lash.

and another one goes, another one goes

 Another one bites the dust.  I swear I have been "training" someone for MONTHS now. First it was the new boss. Yes he's the boss, but he still had to be broken in, and trained by us to some extent... Then it was his friend, a server, then another server then a 2nd... After the second was trained the first quit. Then we got a new second and now she's gone. What amazes me more than anything else is that with the job market the way it is, 2 of the girls just left with no other plan in mind. What ASTOUNDS ME is that all 3 were no call no shows. I mean, if you no longer want the job, can't work, don't like it... At least have the decency to call and let someone know. That way your not expected to show up at least. That being said I must admit I was a no call no show before. ONCE. Oh and I was SIXTEEN!  My cousin added me on facebook today. So I now know that my adopted dad is alive and well. Good to know I suppose. I wonder if he was thinking of me, the day I...

Just Close Your Eyes....

 My awesome mother paid for us to go to Silver Dollar City this Saturday. She paid our way in, got us food and souvenir money ... The kids and I had a blast. Destiny rode a couple very large roller coasters and I even rode a normal, not upside down type one! It was a long, hot day, and we were all exhausted (and sore) but it was so worth it and so awesome!  My mom, in all her awesomeness made us all "snack packs" for the trip and throughout the park. They consisted of Doritoes, fritoes, peanuts w/ a caramel in it, a box of raisins and 2 pepperoni sticks. On the way home Hannah was eating what remained of her bag (peanuts and raisins) she explained "I am eating my raisins, I don't like them... But I just close my eyes. If I can't see them I like them, I can't look at them when I eat them because they remind me of bugs." That girl always makes me laugh!  

Who would have thought???

 I never would have thought I was going to be an adult. Sometimes I still look at myself as a kid. But I am an adult. I have kids, TEENAGERS even. I own my own home, and I have been married, as of today for NINE years! Who could have ever thought?  Our friend Dede set us up to meet. I remember one day getting home from work, to a message on my machine, a guy "Clorie, hey this is Tim. Dede is doing this for me, anyway you sound cute... Hope to talk to you soon" I was like WAHHHHHT? So I talked to Tim a few times over the phone before we met, finally at Dede's place.  I walked in, Tim was watching football (not much has changed) he looked up from the TV to me, said HEY, then went back to the game. Hmmph. Dede insisted I take Tim somewhere, so he came with me and the kids and a friend and her kids to MALL O WEEN. He held Promise for me when she got heavy, and my purse when I went to the bathroom. I cannot say it was "love at first site" But I did feel like I wo...

That's my boy!

 Tomorrow is my baby boys, big day. The big ONE O. Ten. I can hardly believe it. I remember just like it was yesterday being in the hospital having him. It was a stormy night, I remember for a while I was worried about the storm, that was until contractions were stronger than the sound of thunder outside.  I also remember Tim had said he would like for it to just be him and I there, in the room... He didn't really want my mom there, but as I started whining I remember him asking if I wanted my mom. Of course I did! I am not even sure who she left the girls with to come and sit with me, but she came, and they were somewhere in the storm with someone and I was not worried about them at all. LOL.  I was in labor for about 18 hours with Bailey. It was not too bad, but my doctor never even really offered any type of pain medication... I guess I was okay with that, because I never really asked either. When it was time to push the doctor was there the whole time. Just patien...

The Missing Tooth Fairy....

 So Bailey no longer believes in the tooth fairy, Santa or the Easter bunny. He's exclaimed this many of times in front of Hannah, who is smart, and on the verge of non belief herself... Finally around Christmas I told him it was fine if he did not believe, but that he shouldn't ruin it for others "So he's REALLY not real???" He said to me. Ugh. Did he believe and I just ruined it or did he really NOT believe? Well whichever, he no longer believed at that point right? He did go in and tell his sister he did, so that she still would though.  He also peeked into the closet and seen Easter gifts to confirm his suspicions as well. So about a month ago now, he lost a tooth. He put it under his pillow. Then he lost the tooth (like lost it from under the pillow, not from its place in his mouth) About a week ago, he found the tooth again, and put it back under his pillow. I... er, um "THE TOOTH FAIRY" Forgot about the dang tooth after so long of it being missi...

Me? Flirting?

 So today I got in trouble. because the NEW GIRL ignored a table. "You need to be watching her Clorie" Shawn tells me. Up until that point I did not realize I was also responsible for her doing her job still... I promptly told him I was here working on my own section and could not do 2 sections at one time, that is why we have TWO servers correct? He then explained had I not been "flirting" with my Culligan man... I would have been able to pay attention to hers, and my own section. Hmmm.  Ok so maybe I spend a little more time over at his table. He's a cutie after all. Those lovely manly arms of his draw me over... and he likes to joke around and smiles at me, and I like to smile back. Is that flirting? Hmmm. Maybe. The culligan man's dad, was also with him today. Big guy, he has this scar over his eye, and he looks like someone you would picture when reading a book with a "Bad guy" in it. He looks mean, and grumpy. In fact though, he's a ver...


 I was finally feeling secure. For some reason I always second guess myself. I am not good enough special enough, quiet enough, loud enough. I always think I could have done something better. Well I had finally felt that I was good enough, and loved. Fully completely and wholly. Then someone has to go and make some dumb remark and I am back in Highschool feeling threatened by some dumb bitch.  Well I won't do its. Its all or nothing. Its me and me only or its hit the road jack. I am not the kind of girl who begs and pleads for someone to stay. If you want out, the door is there. No ones blocking your way. Will it hurt? Of course. Will I regret letting you go, not if its what you wanted. Never.  What a fucking week its been. The one new girl is no longer with us, yes ANOTHER ONE. Luckily the 3rd (third times a charm?) Is sticking around, so far. Even after a couple busy days with her just basically thrown out there. I have taken on some extra hours, which makes me both...

Its My Week

 Every month. I have a week. A week where I am a bitch. You can tell me PMS is not real but I say you have no idea what your talking about. Every month for a week, I am a bitch. I can think to myself I am about to be a bitch, I should keep my mouth shut... but then my mouth runs anyway and I am a bitch. I cannot control it. I can try but somehow it still slips out. So keep in mind that this week, is my week.  Today Destiny gets out of school at 10am. She has finals and buses do not run until 3:30. No normal kid would want to sit around school when they are not needed too. So I told Tim, since he was off, that Destiny would text him around 10 for a ride home. "OK" He says. Now remember from previous blogs, Tim would never be my first call if I only got one. Because he never answers. NEVER. Why does he even HAVE a phone??? TO play games on.  So 10:10 rolls around and I get a text, from my daughter, that Tim is not answering his phone. I call him and SURE ENOUGH. No answ...

oh NOEZ half naked teenagers acting stupid!

 Yesterday we took our kids to the Old Monte ne hotel. They were swimming the nasty lake that I refuse to get into (that part anyway) So I was sitting, getting hot and bug bit.... I finally left Tim there with the kids and went for refuge into the van. A state trooper drove by to check on things, and commented on how I was not getting any sun being in the van. We laughed and he drove away.  About 30 min later he came back. This time he got out of his patrol car and came over to me. "You were here earlier when I was right? I just got a complaint from someone in the area, saying there are a bunch of half naked teenagers acting stupid this way." Um well YEAH... Its a lake, so bathing suits = Half naked. And no matter where you are, teenagers = acting stupid! One girl was wearing a bra, not a real bikini top but heck, honestly the only reason I noticed this was the clasps in the back, and anyway... Its a LAKE! WHO CARES?!  So he said he had to go tell the teenagers that a...

I was in the FRONT!

 I am not sure how it happened. For 8 years I have worked for my current job. At first we all rotated sections, there were 3 servers during the day and it changed daily where you were...Back then (listen to me, like I'm old) the back section was smoking only. A few of the people we had back there, were snooty. The "card players" especially. They were just always giving all the servers a hard time and eventually, no one would wait on them but me. So then it turned out I was always in the back, becuase well, those were all "My people".  Lately business has been down, and there is no longer a smoking section in restaurants in Arkansas. Generally people fill up in the front first, so when your not busy, and your in the back, you don't get seated much. I had asked for sections to rotate. What I felt was fair, also because my section, the back is bigger... and gets the large groups. Rotating seemed fair, but everyone walked on eggshells with the other girl so we...