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Showing posts from March, 2011

Kids-Cant stand em, but ya miss em.

 Its funny the way it works. They drive me criminally insane one moment, but the moment they are out of my reach or sight, I must admit... I miss them. I wonder what they are doing, if they are behaving themselves, if they think about me, and I can't wait to see them again. Until, I see them again, they fight and argue and drive me back into my insanity. I guess its that absence makes the heart grow fonder thing? Regardless. Promise was gone most of Spring Break. As much as I loved the peace and quiet around the house without her here. I worried. Was she having a good time, was she behaving, did she have a clean pair of underwear, brush her teeth, shower, cry, if she got hurt could the mom she was staying with make her feel better like I can???  I did not blog over spring break. I was in my white room with padded walls most of the week I suppose. No time for blogging in there.  Bailey lost a tooth, and explained how he did not believe, anymore, in the "tooth fairy" an...

Hurry down, Slow UP!

 Sitting eating dinner. Hannah is behind Bailey and rushing him. Hurry up! I was curious, and so I asked, why is he supposed to hurry? Tampoline! said in a DUH type tone. Right after you've eaten??? I think outloud. Yeah mom... Were kids.   A family came into my work today with their children. I can remember them coming in with the daughter in her little baby car seat, she's now in first grade! Made me feel really old. I mean I know I have a daughter who is nearly fifteen...OMG... but I watch her grow everyday, I have not seen this child in a very long time, and it was almost UNBELIEVABLE that enough time had gone by, for her to have grown that much. Even thinking back on it now, I am astounded still. I have been at the same job, for 8 years now! Eight years!    On a good note, I had fun at work today, came home to a pretty trashed house. Not looking forward to a double shift tomorrow and a house to clean up when I get home... I am, however, looking fo...

Pretty good lookin' man... Pretty grounded boy.

 Today at work this man came in. He's a regular customer. He was chatting about how he'd went to get his chew, and the lady asked to see his ID. Once she read his ID she looked at him and told him You look pretty good for a man of almost 67 years! He told her thank you and said that he asked for 2 cans instead... Later on that night he and his wife were at dinner. He was telling her about the compliment he received, earlier in the day at the smoke shop. Oh I know which store you went to! His wife told him You do? he said Which one? The one that old BLIND lady works in! his wife replied. I am pretty sure I could write a whole book, about nothing but funny stories I have heard from customers!  Then when work is about over, I realize my son has walked away from home. Destiny was watching him and Hannah, when Bailey got upset and said he was going to walk to daddy's work. Destiny blew him off and I guess figured he'd walked to the gas station with his 5$ prize left f...

All about me

 What a horrible mom I am. All weekend was all about the kids. Today though Destiny had a dentist appointment so I was off work for the day. I used today to do things I wanted to do, and NOT do things I did not want to do. Destiny's friend was supposed to be picked up before the dentist, I had asked for that. It did not happen, she was still here and I had to take her with. Not that she was any trouble, I am sure it was not the highlight of her day.  Regardless. I came home, cleaned my house. Tim got home and him and I took care of the bed I will put strawberries in, as long as mowing the lawn and picking up the yard ect. I did not want to run kids here or there, and I refused to do it. Might make me a bad mom, but it sure felt good!  I got my strawberries in porch and house clean, made shrimp scampi for dinner... Now I am about to make some yummy no bake cookies. I would have to say its been a great day. The weather was great today spring is really feeling like its h...

Finally Broke out the camera

nice view today I think its been almost a month, since I have even turned the camera on. Oddly enough. I will take pictures of course, nearly every day, but I often just snap something quickly with my cellphone camera. Today though I broke out the camera and took pictures of my kids, jumping on the trampoline. I love those pictures. They are always full of laughs.  My day however not so full of laughs. I guess I should have, and could have done more around the house. I felt lazy though and slacked, ordered pizza, sat on my butt and did just the minimum. I think Tim is a bit upset over this, he's worked hard and I slacked, and did not even make the bed. I never make the bed, he always does it. I am a lucky woman... A lucky woman who slacked off today. I have tomorrow off, Destiny has a dentist appointment, so I will get the house all cleaned up tomorrow, I swear. super bailey  I wanted to share a few pictures. If your my friend on facebook you can see pretty much ...


 So my day yesterday went pretty well. I got up, cleaned up a bit, this week is Destiny's week for Spring clothes shopping. She insisted upon being first, but I took Hannah last weekend. I told her she could go this, so I held true to that. 100.00 to spend on clothes, nothing else just clothes, for spring.  So we went to each and every store she wanted to go to. Packies, the thrift store, Rue 21(which by the way has moved from its old location) and then Wet Seal. The girl can shop for bargins I tell you that much. For that I am very proud. She got quite a few items with her money and she was happy.  Then we both decided we were hungry. So we went to lunch together, just her and I. We were civil, almost friendly like. I must admit I had a nice time with her today. She asked to have a friend over I agreed, she asked to be taken to the mall, again I agreed. I will be there to get you at nine. When she called asking to be gotten at 9:30 instead, and if ANOTHER friend coul...

So Whats up with my oddly normal life?

 Huh huh? Cus it seems that I am never ever updating my blog these days. I am such a sloth!  Things happen and I think how I should blog about them and then I figure they are not really so interesting if you were not here. Then I remember I blog for me, not really for someone else. I want to be able to remember things, to come back and go oh yeah... Those were the days. Or whatever. I can't do that if I don't blog it.  I am going to try to be more regular with the blogs again, even if its what I made for dinner, and  how my husband kept me up snoring. If it doesn't interest you, you don't have to read it right!? :)  So whats been going on? the kids are growing. I got contacts, I am not sure how I feel about them just yet. Sometimes they are great, and sometimes I feel like I have an eye full of hair. Sometimes I can see great with them in, and other times everything is blurrier than when I had  them out. Meanwhile I wear my scratched up glasses while ...