Those 3 S words pretty much sum up my day today. SHIT. HA! Another S word!
first my Hannah booger has been sick a while. She went to school Thursday and Friday but felt really bad when she came home Friday. She was sick all weekend, fever, sleeping normal cold/flu type symptoms. I wanted to just let it run its course and let it be. Until today....
I came home from work to her complaining about her ear, and a big green boogery eyeball that was also red and swollen... Uh oh. Snowstorm expected tonight... Apparently a "big one" so I took her in. Sure enough, pink eye along with BLISTERS on her ear drum? Poor baby. The dr. said its a bacterial infection and it is very painful :O(
first my Hannah booger has been sick a while. She went to school Thursday and Friday but felt really bad when she came home Friday. She was sick all weekend, fever, sleeping normal cold/flu type symptoms. I wanted to just let it run its course and let it be. Until today....
I came home from work to her complaining about her ear, and a big green boogery eyeball that was also red and swollen... Uh oh. Snowstorm expected tonight... Apparently a "big one" so I took her in. Sure enough, pink eye along with BLISTERS on her ear drum? Poor baby. The dr. said its a bacterial infection and it is very painful :O(
All that and still able to smile for her photo op :)
So that was my day today. I am wondering if I will be expected to risk my life and drive to work in a snow storm tomorrow... I sure hope not, if its bad we need to CLOSE. Its PIZZA for heavens sake!
Oh yeah, and the kids, well all but Hannah, were completely rotten today, so I cannot WAIT for what tomorrow will bring to us. Yeeee HAWWWWWWWWW.
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