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Showing posts from September, 2010

Proud Owner of a 1,200 Dollar 3 Legged Cat

Pawlie had his surgery today. Well this afternoon actually. There was bad nerve damage, so that the dr. said we might the right choice with amputation rather than reconstruction (which was unaffordable anyway) He got the leg off, and sewed him all back up.  I am not sure what Tim and I were expecting, but when they brought Pawlie out to us (he comes home today w/ pain meds) we both started to cry. The insision is HUGE 26 staples I do believe, the entire lower half of his body is shaved and he just looks pitiful... It was hard to take in.  So Pawlie is home now, not feeling great. He has eaten a bit of food, but he is in a lot of pain... They said the first 2 days are the worst. So hopefully this will be over for him soon. Poor kitty.

Ready to go....

Pawlie goes in tomorrow for his big surgery. His rear left leg is going to be amputated. I never in my life thought I would agree to spend so much damn money on an animal, but besides his leg he is JUST fine. He's not a horse! He should not have to be put down because of a bum leg right? It just seemed wrong. So luckily we were able to put this on credit and get it done and save his life.  Tomorrow at 7:30 if you can, think of Mr. Pawlie and the Dr. doing his amputation. I hope it all goes well, and he can bounce back to the damn cat that only loves Tim and not me :OP~~

A three day long headache.

 That is what I have had. No it has not been continuous but it goes and comes right back. I think its stress. 99% positive its stress. Money issues suck. Especially when I am the only one dealing with them. The kids "need" new clothes, and bobby pins, and headbands and this silly band, and new mattresses. The car needs new tires and brakes, preferably before winter hits.  Then what happens? The rat dies, Baileys last rat. Then... Just to top things off, the cat comes in the house, and its apparent something is wrong with him. That something... He's been hit by a car. Of course its after hours for the Vet so ER vet it is. and 700.00 dollars later, its take him to your vet, now that we have stabalized him you... Gee thanks. Are vet bills tax deductible?  So after we cough up another 600-700 dollars we do not have (thank god for care credit Paulie will be having his back leg amputated come Thursday morning. He's lucky I suppose, that the le...

A rooster nammed Jimmy

 My sons friend. Probably his best friend, is Jimmy. Jimmy is younger than Bailey, he is six, Bailey is 9. Jimmy and Hannah DO.NOT.GET.ALONG. Its like we just inherited an extra brother when he comes over. Needless to say, being Baileys best bud, he's here pretty often.  This weekend I was really looking forward to a little bit of sleeping in. You see I am now the official "opener" at work, 5 days a week so I will not get to go back to bed after the kids leave for school... Not that I need to do that anyway, sometimes its just a good feeling. Anyway. Saturday my mom was ringing the phone by 8am. We had to go pick up a bed, but the place did not open until 10. She was here, ringing the bell by 9:15?  Saturday night Jimmy stayed over. Jimmy likes to wake up at the crack of dawn, which is why he is now a rooster in my book. Today though he woke up because my angelic daughter thought it would be funny to do the shaving cream trick to him: shaving cream in the hand, tickle...

Your not my dad!

 This is what my oldest said to my husband (her step dad) today.  First off, yes, her father he is not. She is not part of his DNA make up. He did not help me create her himself. So technically she is correct. He is not her dad.  Since the time she was three. Tim has been there, been here. In our house, helping to raise her. Telling her right from wrong, yes and no. Correcting her wrongs, when she was little she played horsey on his back, he has been the one who took them trick or treat went to birthday parties, shared holidays and supported her through the last eleven years.  Now she does have a father. Her father however, does not really tell her right from wrong he's not here to do that. He is not here to share the holidays or birthday celebrations. The joys and the hard times she goes through, he does not really know much about those. He is not here for those. I am not saying that is through any fault of his. He cannot be here, he has a separate life... But...

The calm before the storm...

 Yesterday Destiny wanted to go to the school football game. Middle school football. Destiny is in Highschool but her boyfriends brother, is in middle and on the football team. Promises school was playing Destiny's boyfriends brothers team. So Promise wanted to go to the game as well.  Destiny had a bit of a hissy, when I reminded her it was PROMISES schools game!? So I drop them off, worried that Destiny and Promise will not meet up when its over, and I will be left trying to find not one but 2 of my children in a sea of thousands of them. I asked Destiny to please meet up with Promise towards the end, and come to find me.  So what do I hear when I pick them up? Destiny let Promise hang with her the WHOLE TIME at the game. With Destiny AND her boyfriend (josh, for the second time) They actually got along, and Destiny and the boy only made out when Promise was not looking. (barf)  Anyway I figured one good turn deserved another and so I ran Josh to his house in...


Despite the fact that I worked out over 800 min last month and despite the fact that I have been watching what I eat more closely I have lost and gained the same 3 pounds through out the month. Not only that but I had a "blow out" we'll call it in both (only) pair of jeans that still fit me. I had to go out today to Goodwill, and buy myself 2 (larger) pair.  Depressing.  Gah. Something has got to give. I am focusing this month on eating smaller, yet more frequent meals that are hopefully well balanced. Oh well onward and upward. I have a gym membership and I am not afraid to use it!!! :)

vote for my baby girl!!!

For my daughter? She was picked top 40 for a smile contest her orthodontist has every year. If she becomes one of the top 12 then she gets to be in all the printed ads and commercials. Some former "idol smiles" winners are even featured on billboards and the ortho's hummer!  Her name is Destiny  

The most awesome new class pet!

  Sitting around the dinner table Hannah had to tell us about her new AWESOME class pet. We got a Wooly mammoth! We all just sort of sit there, and Destiny is all Uh NO you didn't! I ask her if the new class pet is a stuffed animal, or is it real. "Its real, a wooly mammoth, you know mama!" We are kind of thinking she has maybe gone crazy when Hannah holds her arms out a certain way and it hits me...  Do you mean a PRAYING MANTIS hannah? Yes that's what it is! A praying mantis! We were trying to picture this giant hairy elephant with tusks in Hannah's' classroom. LOL. When I told her what a wooly mammoth was, she understood how that was so funny!  

Its helpful to read the directions....

 Yes sir. I know this. I have told myself this before. Made this mistake before. Silly me.  Its just us girls tonight. Daddy and the littlest 2 went to grandpas and ended up staying the night. Lots of work to get done... The best grandpa/father in law ever, recently loaned us a nice amount of money to continue our home warranty for another year. In return Tim is to work his ass off!  So with just us girls, we did what girls do best. Blared the radio, cleaned (well I did) and baked! Destiny made brownies, which I am proud to say I have only had ONE of. Promise and I made the dough for Cinnamon rolls. So after making the dough I was tired of reading the recipe online so I just wrote down the ingredients needed for the middle and for the icing.  Dough done. I mix the brown sugar, Cinnamon and... butter. I look at it, its thin and water. Now I have never made from scratch cinnamon rolls, but I have seen it done, and the middle part, its normally much drier... Then ...

No one said it was easy....

 Being a mom. No one ever told me it was going to be easy. Of course I don' think I even had time to ask, in my defense. I knew it would not be easy, I knew there would be stinky diapers and teething and tummy troubles... What I did not know was that my child(ren) would turn into teenagers and have to deal with real world problems that would then become my problems as well. No one even tells you about things that far ahead, when they give you the "warnings" they warn of things that happen within the first year of life, or maybe the "terrible twos". Yeah. I am saying give me a room full of those so called "terrible" two year old's. I can deal with that no problem.  The teenage years, which might I mention I am JUST starting to go through, and with only my first... Have already got me craving a padded white room and straight jacket. Its so bi polar the relationship between a teen and her mother. One day were friends, we laugh, we joke, she will eve...