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Showing posts from January, 2010

When your Banana tells you your fat....

 You know its time to get your ass in gear. Seriously. Wow. I go to have breakfast this morning and this is what I am confronted with  Today is also my baby girl, Promise's birthday. The big ELEVEN. Wow. Eleven years ago, her little but was the wrong way inside me and so they were doing a C-Section to get her out (a month late nearly, little stinker)  I remember when they pulled her out and the doctor stated, "Looks like its a girl!" I remember thinking, he said LOOKS like a girl, not that it IS a girl. I was convinced she would be a boy the whole 10 months! :OP~~  They took her to clean her off, weigh her and then, because I was unable, they handed her to her daddy... she was crying, and when he brought her over to me and I spoke to the most adorable bundle in pink... She instantly quit. She quit crying. She knew me. I was her mama, she knew that voice and just hearing it, stopped her cries. Eleven short years have gone by and things have changed so much....

Laughter is the best workout....

 So as the new year approached I wanted to lose the weight I had once lost and somehow re found. Is refound a word? Anyway that was my goal. To do that I wanted to eat right, drop my diet coke, up my water intake and of course, workout.  The first 3 I have done fairly well on, but the workouts are hard for me. So a couple days ago I got the new "Wii fit plus" game. Thinking a new toy might help. I got on it the other day and again today. Bailey was on it when Tim got home from work and Tim thought it looked like fun...  So he did several things, trying to beat my score mostly... Then he tried this one game. Its 3 numbers in big balls and you have to "Bop" the two numbers that add up to 10 with your hips (while standing on the wii board) Well I must say, this is the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen. I was laughing so hard my abs were burning. I am not sure if I burned more during my hour on the wii fit, or during Tims 10 min "bubble bounce" Session. ...

Loony Bin.... Here I come.

 Normally my day goes like this. UP at 6:45, kids breakfast, make lunch while they eat, send them out the door with Tim by 7:30. 7:30-10 MY TIME. I can clean house, watch shows, play on the computer, or go back to bed, whatever I want. NO KIDS are here. Then from 10-2 I work, 2-3 I come home, eat lunch ALONE, in a QUIET house and relax. 3 I pick up kids and I am ready for some loud noisy MOooo-oooommsss.  For 2 weeks the kids were on Christmas break. I was not. I went to work no down time when I came home with kids up my booty... I knew it was nearly over, counted down the days... Then, on Sunday... It snowed. SNOWED! And school was closed. Tuesday it never got above 20 degrees, and school was closed. Today the sun shone, the roads melted, but stayed wet, tonight 8 degrees. Wet roads will freeze and so school IS CLOSED! Tomorrow night, it is supposed to SNOW Again!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  I am ready to rip the hair out of my head, then since I wont need it, I might go melt...

Happy Belated Birthday....

 My poor baby girl. She turned seven on the 19th. The day of her birthday we did our Christmas cookies and gift exchange with friends, and then we went to birthday dinner. She wanted to invite a few friends to a blow up fun place for her birthday... but whenever I called over break, I just got a machine. My guess is they went out of town for the holidays. She finally surrendered to just going with the family some place. Then daddy was working nights, and then now, well now the roads are covered in this white stuff!!!  Finally this evening since Promise keeps mentioning how its "nearly HER birthday" we decided to have Hannah's cake. She wanted tinkerbell but I did not see any at the store, so we made a purple bundt cake with sprinkles. She said she loved her cake, so even though I put the frosting on before it was cooled and half of it melted... And it was over a week late, and it was not Tinkerbell, she loved it :)  Look at her pointing out the fact that she is seve...


 A snow day? Really? WHY??!!! We just had 2 weeks OFF of school straight, then a weekend and now... a SNOW DAY? I think this should be against the law. My kids are fighting and arguing NON stop right now, another day (or 2, God help me not 2) they might just start ripping each others hair out... Or more than likely I might rip out my own hair... I think I might already have.  So my plan is to find something that I can make into a sled, and take my kids to the hill at the school right down the road for a while... Its not a large hill, but its something. This is Arkansas, and you need to enjoy the snow when it comes. Brrrrrr.  So if I live today, and tomorrow I will be, hopefully, posting some pictures of kids sledding, being happy and not ripping out each others hair. Oh and on a side note, the kids and I have made it to world 7's castle on Mario Wii. Wow right?

How Will I Survive This?

 Life. Life with a teenager, soon to be 2 teenagers, and at one point I will have THREE teenagers in the house at once, that is, if (hopefully) Destiny is gone by then! What was I thinking? They are SO darn CUTE when they are babies... What has happened ????   Don't get me wrong. Destiny is an awesome kid. As far as I know she does nothing illegal or horribly wrong. She is a major, eye rolling, PITA teenager though that is for sure... The mall, is the hangout now. I am expected at the drop of a hat, to drive her there, and pick her up whenever she feels the need (or want) to go, which is, whenever she has a friend there.  She has also figured I guess, at the ripe ole age of thirteen she no longer needs to ask permission, but just TELL me where and when and who's house she is going to. I am amazed at how many children have stayed at my house without ever even setting EYES or ears on me to make sure it was okay, that I would be home, that I don't allow drugs or teenage...

This little thing I do....

The past 3 years, I have started, and never finished a 365 photo project on Flickr. You take a photograph of yourself, every day for a year. They will start themes, and such. Sounds easy right? I always slack off after a month or so, I would REALLY love to be able to finish out the year this time... We'll see.  Today I made play-dough with the kids. Yellow, Green, Red, and Blue, if you could not tell...  So day 1 down 364 left to go!