Its unbelievable. I would like to avoid being a broken record on my blogs, but DAMN time flies. Above is my baby girl. She's about 7 months old there. She relied on me for her everything. I was who kept her clean, fed her, healed her boo boos. She came to me crying when she was hurt or scared. Back then I was her everything. I was her whole world. Here is that same girl, not so chubby anymore. Not bald. I am no longer her life, she can make her own food, she cleans herself, and when she's hurt she doesn't cry. She doesn't come to me often anymore. She has friends that hear her problems, or issues. I am just a warm home to come to, a place to stay. I do still purchase most of the food she eats, but for the most part, she takes care of her self and no longer needs her mommy. Fifteen years ago. I was sixteen years old. I was about to give birth. I was scared to death of course. I had read what I should expect, and I felt that I was ready to be a mom. I had always wanted ...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!