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Showing posts from January, 2011

Sick, snow, school cancelled

 Those 3 S words pretty much sum up my day today. SHIT. HA! Another S word!  first my Hannah booger has been sick a while. She went to school Thursday and Friday but felt really bad when she came home Friday. She was sick all weekend, fever, sleeping normal cold/flu type symptoms. I wanted to just let it run its course and let it be. Until today....  I came home from work to her complaining about her ear, and a big green boogery eyeball that was also red and swollen... Uh oh. Snowstorm expected tonight... Apparently a "big one" so I took her in. Sure enough, pink eye along with BLISTERS on her ear drum? Poor baby. The dr. said its a bacterial infection and it is very painful :O(    All that and still able to smile for her photo op :)   So that was my day today. I am wondering if I will be expected to risk my life and drive to work in a snow storm tomorrow... I sure hope not, if its bad we need to CLOSE. Its PIZZA for heavens sake!  Oh yeah, and...

Way Back In the Old Days....

 Computers were not in every household. Teachers did not give homework with instructions to "search it online" and kids did not have to have things PRINTED OUT, they had to do this thing called WRITE the paper. Apparently that was so long ago, and I am old.  Promise had homework, she had to write the definitions of a bunch of words for Science. She had been online and was only on facebook and doing other things that were not homework. So after 2 hours of online time, when I told her she was done, her reason for needing back on was that she had to look up those words.... Use a dictionary... A whaaaaaaaaaaaaa? That won't work. It won't have all the words in it!!! Uh, yeah it will! What do you think they used "way back in the old days" before internet? YEP! DICTIONARIES!  So we looked through the dictionary and although it did indeed take a bit longer, we were able to find and define each word on her list. Maybe next time she will use her internet time for ...

Hell Has Frozen Over....

 Or something like that anyway. Send coats. People are going to need them.  Today for once, Promise has messed up her phone, and is without. Destiny, without even being asked, offered for Promise to use her phone to call and chit chat with her friend. Just like that! Let her use her lifeline, her source of all, and did not even say anything rude like "Dont breathe on it, or drop it or something" Just handed it over as if this sharing thing was something she often did. Amazement.  I also think that my son has been bitten by a bit of a love bug. He seems to really like the ladies here lately. He will willingly do things for the girls, when they have friends over. Run and do things for them, play house with them, one night at Rooster Boys house he apparently gave shoulder rubs to the girls in exchange for cash! Today though, Hannah had a friend over, and before Bailey came out of his room, seems he sprayed himself with a bit of AXE deoderant Santa had brought him. He wa...

Changing my name to Dad....

 I swear. MOM... MOM... MOM... MO-OM. WHY is it always mom? I know when I am old and the kids are gone, that my blogs will all talk about how lonely I am and how much I miss the pitter patter, and the mom's I used to hear... I know this but it does not change the fact that today I have been "mommed" to death.  So I am changing my name to dad. Dad does not get asked to bring in toilet paper, rinse shampooed hair, find the lost earring, whats for dinner, bring a towel, dad gets to sit and not get called for any of that. Its unfair and so I want to be called dad, from this point forward.  My Promise Michelle had her Birthday party this weekend. She is now 12. "One more year and I will be a teenager" she reminded me. She already acts like one, so... I am not so afraid, I know what I am about to deal with I suppose...  So twelve. A sleepover party. Two girls, plus the other girls each had a friend over. That makes for 8 children in my house, ALL WEEKEND. ALL ca...

I have an OCD cat

 Or well my son does.  Somehow almost 2 years ago, we went to the pet store, to get my son a corn snake. The pet store was out and only had boas. Mama did not want a boa... So my son asked about the kitties in the front of the pet store. "Your dad will NOT let you get a kitty" I said to my son... No sooner than the words came out of my mouth, my husband called from work. Son asked if he could have a kitten and daddy said he did not care. WHAT?!  So that afternoon we looked in the paper at the many ads for "Free kittens". One person was offering a jackson certificate to go towards spaying. I told the boy he had to pay for all the supplies, first vet visits and getting kitty fixed. He was more than willing to spend all his money on a new furry friend. We went to look at kittens in this little old man's home, and there was the CUTEST fuzzy little white and brown long haired siamese looking kitten. Blue eyes, and we were all instantly in love with him, so he cam...

The ones you do the most for...

 Always seem to not realize it. Is that how it always works? Or maybe I just don't notice when they notice. Thinking back, I mean my mom cooked meals, took me places, loved me no matter what... I don't remember thinking WOW my mom does SO MUCH FOR ME... Because, I guess as a kid, that does not cross your mind. So I should not feel so bad that I am unappreciated I suppose. One day they will look back and realize, and then be thankful. I just hope I am alive and well so they can call me and kiss my ass!  Today has not been the best day. Last night my mom told me about her boyfriend, his drinking problem, and her plans to leave. I think its a great plan, and I hope that she does do it. Part of me really does not think she will though, she's been through this before and never done anything about it.  Then I get a letter from the orthodontist. My account is behind because I was charged a late fee, for missing ONE appointment in two years. So that sucked, since of course th...

Man Gossip

 Its funny. I remember my dad, watching sports, sports news, radio was on sports. Always sports. He would fall asleep watching and not wake until someone touched the remote. If it included a ball, he would sit and watch it.  So now I am married, and my husband, is the same way. Its not a trait I actively seeked out at all. In fact it bugs me to no end. Its ANNOYING. My husband always has the TV on ESPN. The sports center and so on where they walk about Bret Farve and how he did not "have his game" tonight, or Tiger Woods and his many girl flings ect. Its Gossip. Man Gossip.  Men give us ladies hell for our gossip. Of course we gossip about other mothers, our friends, our family, and even our kids.... and then our enemies. Men have no right to say anything though, not if they watch sports center, because that is hour upon hour of nothing but gossip. Man gossip.  Now if I can prove men PMS, we will all be equal :OP~~

Mark Your Calanders!

 Today, for nearly the entire day... My children GOT ALONG . Yeah. I know. Its hard to believe. I lived through it and hardly believe it myself. Crazy.   Oh and School starts tomorrow for all four. Woo HOO!

Funny Kids

 Today on some show they were talking about a ladies kidney and how she needed dialysis. Hannah asked me at one point what a kidney was. I tried, with my minimal scientific knowledge, to explain a kidney to my 8 year old.... "Oh. Okay. That is what I thought.... Either that or something to do with having babies... Since its a "Kid"ney."

Happy New Year!

 YAY! Resolution time!  I make them and never keep them, but again this year I am making some.  #1 to stand up for myself, what I want, and what I feel... even if it might not be what someone else wants.  #2 Take a picture a day for 365 (A flickr group I am joining)  #3 To spend more QT time with the kids, and less on electronics  #4 To eat healthier and workout more  #5 to watch my mouth!  Oh and should I pop in #6 try to blog more often and keep up with it? :OP~~