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When shit hits the fan

Single life. Well not so much single but divirced... It's been a change. I go out more I'm finding who I am. I am realizing I like me more than I thought I did.

I've met someone, I know already? It wasn't in my plans to get involved in anything serious. I joined an online dating site and I got some hits (lots of hits) it's a woman's world in there!

Anyway I went in a few dates and a few second dates. One second date was terrible, one was okay and one was.... NSFWOK well just say.

My plan was to just date and have fun and go out and enjoy myself but I have found myself doing all that, for sure, but always with the same person... Then it happened we chose to only see each other... I mean I'd only been seeing him anyway and he I.

So why not. I still go out, I'm still enjoying myself (so Much) I'm laughing and I'm motivated and I'm happy... I am so flipping happy right now.

My house is falling apart and spewing shot nearly literally... But I have amazing friends, wonderful family, and someone to spend time with who makes me smile. What more do you need?? Well a flushing toilet that's what.... And I've got that too!!

I may not have a bunch of money, but I am so very rich.


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