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 First off, I am sorry mr blog that I have not played with you in quite some time. As you well know I have four children, a job, a mini zoo, and a husband to tend to. This leaves me hardly enough time to sleep, and if I am lucky shower (and that other s word) each day. Let along "blog".

 Although I LOVE going back through my blogs, seeing what life was like last time I blinked and either laughing at myself for thinking something was such a big deal... or being amazed and wondering how I made it through. Either way I want to get back into doing this. What better time to try to start, with summer right around the corner and kids about to be stuck RIGHT UP my ass.

 Where is life. Well my child, my first born GRADUATED high school!! Thats right, SUPER proud momma moment right there buddy! I mean after ALL the days I had to practically DRAG her in by her hair to school... Going to the principal about her attendance, oh and I wont EVER forget the day I walked the campus with the schools POLICE OFFICER looking for her because she was not in class. Yeah... That happened. So after ALL of that... MY CHILD. GRADUATED. Now I know SHE was the one to show up and do the work, but even so, this feels like my triumph as well. I will pat myself on the back, for having a child who graduated, and if she can do it... the other 3 shouldn't be a problem at all!!!

 Really though. I am proud of my daughter, for getting the job done, and graduating. Something I didn't do because I was a "mom" and all that good stuff.

Seriously though, and now to top it off, that beautiful girl right there, well she's an adult now. Yep that's right. I have an ADULT child. She may not ACT it, but she's LEGALLY an adult now. Wow. Time REALLY freakin' flies! Its amazing to me that I have raised a child all the way up. Like my job is "Technically" done now. She's on her own... FLY BIRDIE FLY!!!  Wow. I will save my tears for my bath tonight. Yeah I cry in the tub while the water runs, so no one knows what a softie I am... Ha.

 Other than my kid growing... Lots has gone on. Im still married, still keeping all the other ones alive. Summer is NEXT week. I have NO idea what to do for my "BORED" kids. I am trying really hard to get into my photography hobby a bit more, and maybe start making some money off of it. I got a certificate of completion for the school I went to online... Go me. I feel like I have learned quite a bit. Especially when I look at photos I took a couple years ago! EEK!

 Work, well its work. Its what I love doing, I love the place, and my customers, and even my co workers... Boss well thats a love hate relationship half the time. We'll have to get into that later on.

 I am feeling extra fluffy and hope to start working on that issue as well. Wow I seem like such a "go getter" on my blog! Hopefully though I can follow through with this blogging more often, still keeping kids alive, doing photo shoots, and losing some weight. Sounds easy right? Right! Well we'll see!!!


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