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 Some days I hate my job. My boss can be hard to work for. The company seems to not appreciate me the way I feel I should be appreciated.... But then I have my customers. The ones that ask for me, ask how my kids are, tell me about their lives, or just seem to like having me wait on them.  Every holiday people tend to be a little extra generous a time or two and I ALWAYS appreciate it. It helps me buy gifts for my family around this time... It also helps keep up with the bills because business tends to slow down around the holidays, and my dear husbands job lays him off a while around now every year.  So that being said. We are going to be spending Christmas at home, Christmas eve is at the in laws, and I was kind of wondering where I would come up with money for the traditional ham. Now we have a chicken I could make, but the kids like tradition, and traditionally we have a ham...  Today I made very nice tips. Quite a few people left more than the usual I am c...

Feed me

One night a month a friend has started a ladies night. So far I've attended 2. 6 ish to 10 ish so 4 hours of girl time. Non mom time. Me time. 4 hours...a MONTH. Mind you a normal evening at my house is me.... cooking dinner. Playing on my phone. Chatting on the phone. Cleaning. Maybe doing a craft or wrapping presents or doing photography tutorials while my children are in their bedrooms doors shut earphones in. The only difference tonight. I was not in the house...and I did not cook dinner.  You would have thought I left a couple 2 year Olds home alone.  Everyone went to bed hungry because I was not here to feed them....and the hubby asked "how many girls nights are you going to have". For real? When I do cook...half the time it's only picked at and complained about. I guess I should be thankful I was obviously "missed " there for I guess I'm loved. Oh yes and I tried to loop arms with the boy on our way into walmart...he pulled away as though ...

Come get me

Like 3x a week my son will Facebook message me. Please come get me. Get me early. It's like he's in jail or something!  Poor kid. He gets what 2 weeks off here in just a few. Hang in there boy! My baby is almost 12. I want to cry. Time flies.

Wow I've missed blogging many awesome things

Life has been crazy. One kid has moved out...and honestly done much better than I'd ever expected.  Rides here and there....and her laundry is currently being washed here.... but she's making it.... on her own. I'm very proud. On the home front.... I have a teenage girl about to drive ALONE. ...teenage boy who wants ABS and is growing a mustache and has armpit hair 7 inches long....and my baby who has chosen to become one of them.... she is full on teenage hormonal girl and I am scared for my life and her own almost daily. Christmas looms around the corner as does my husband's impending 6 week lay off. Bills are piling up and my new years resolutions are to never spend another dime on anything we don't  NEED... see above list of children and know that will be highly unlikely. I really want to try to blog more often.  My kids do funny shit and one day I'll be too old to remember any of it.

He kissed a girl, and he liked it....

  S o yesterday my son, my ONLY son... Sent me a facebook massage, hey mom... guess what? Uh... what... "K" and I kissed. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! So a little back story. 2 or maybe almost 3 years ago, when my son met "K" he liked her. He was SCARED to death of her he liked her so much. She was Hannah's friend, and anytime he'd see her he would RUN. FF a few days until he found out she liked him as well. They started "dating" I think they "Dated" for quite some time, with a few minor break ups, one because he was being a jerk when his friends were around...   but this girls name was carved on his skateboard... You know stuffs serious!  Anyway things didn't work out. He would NOT kiss her. LOL. They were on the ferris wheel stuck up top, and he would not kiss her... I think she got discouraged and broke up with him, either way they remained friends. All was well with the world. Hannah and her remain "Besties" to th...

You spin me right round baby right round, like a washing machine spin cycle....

 So were grown ups now. With jobs we've had for years, a home we own and credit. Credit is both a good and bad thing. Credit has allowed me to get my fillings done at the dentist when I'd already used all my insurance. Credit has helped us get our home, and things we didn't really need maybe but wanted really bad.  So for a while now our washer has been making this God awful sound as it stops and starts back up on the spin cycle... I am honestly shocked it's still working since it was SEVERAL months ago Destiny called me at the store telling me the washer was SMOKING. I assumed she meant dryer, but when I got home indeed the washer was bellowing rubber smelling smoke throughout the house. After that we used smaller loads and it makes that sound... but somehow continued to work!  So this weekend, the dryer just stopped getting hot. It spins and all that, but as you well know without heat, it doesn't really DRY anything. I contemplated a used dryer again, what we...

That could have been my son...

 Today I was bring the boy and his buddy's back home from the dirt track. Bailey had all kinds of bracelets on his arm, and I was asking him where he got them, and what they said. One was for baby Ella, who had a liver problem, and transplant to correct it. One is a random band I don't remember and the other was for this boy, who skated at the Bentonville skate park. He recently passed away Bailey told me. He died from cancer.  It hit me. That could have been my son. We are SO lucky and I simply do not thank God enough for the fact that I have a healthy, strong, tall, 13 year old son who "loves love movies" rides his bike on dirt tracks, leaves dirty clothes all over his floor and smells a bit too boyish sometimes.  How LUCKY are we to still have Bailey in our lives, to still be able to watch him grow and learn and do and just LIVE. We are so very lucky and I think sometimes when daily life I almost forget... Just how lucky I am. How lucky are we, that on Janu...

This really happened

So customers came in with their 5 children. I have nothing against people with a lot of kids… or the mess involved with people lots of kids, and eating out...  The chidren do not run amuck but they are allowed to do whatever while seated.  Spit balls… noisey… baby crawling on the table… play with the shakers and sugars… its all good. Tonight kid opens a sweet thing packet, pours it out onto the table… then, I swear I don't make this shit up,  begins to LICK IT OFF THE TABLE! I say something along the lines of "I hope I cleaned the table well" dad looks over at 8 year old sucking down fake sugar with his tongue and instructs him how to instead… use his finger to lick up the sweet powder.  The kids however were not allowed a caffine beverage…. Thank goodness. Lol. Oh and more than 4 times today…. Would you like that pizza THIN or DEEP PAN was met with the response "hand tossed". Arrrrghhh! 😐

Boys will be boys.

I am a girl.  I was an only child.  My good friends growing up, als girls.  I've had 3 girls… and I have a boy. I've dealt with boobs and pubic hair and periods… even birth control and “the talk“ with the girls and I feel I've handled it quite well. The circumcision…  I made daddy take care of. The armpit hairs still freak me out… and don't even LET HIM MENTION mustache hairs or I might start bawling.  Today though, without going into detail…  I wished I only knew about pit hairs and pubes.  I'm not ready for boy stuff. Daddy has some talking to do with his son.

I like love movies

Apparently while at a friends this week bailey watched titanic. He said to me..."I like love movies." I said well its kind of an action too..."yeah but I liked the love parts... my eye almost even watered" Wow. He will make a girl a lucky lady one day.... I love him.


 First off, I am sorry mr blog that I have not played with you in quite some time. As you well know I have four children, a job, a mini zoo, and a husband to tend to. This leaves me hardly enough time to sleep, and if I am lucky shower (and that other s word) each day. Let along "blog".  Although I LOVE going back through my blogs, seeing what life was like last time I blinked and either laughing at myself for thinking something was such a big deal... or being amazed and wondering how I made it through. Either way I want to get back into doing this. What better time to try to start, with summer right around the corner and kids about to be stuck RIGHT UP my ass.  Where is life. Well my child, my first born GRADUATED high school!! Thats right, SUPER proud momma moment right there buddy! I mean after ALL the days I had to practically DRAG her in by her hair to school... Going to the principal about her attendance, oh and I wont EVER forget the day I walked the campus wit...

The rules of giving

This morning the blonde one asked "the baby" "Hannah,  you know those zebra knee pads I gave to you..." Yeah?   "Can I borrow them for today? " Oh... I gave them to my friend. "What?  Why?  Normally When someone GIVES you ASK before you give it away. " that how all this works now?

I'm Bored.

This is what my kids tell me at least 20 times a day.  Hubby was just saying how I won't have to hear it tonight. The youngest two have school until 3 (snow day make up)  the oldest works tonight, middle girl is babysitting, baby is staying at a friends and even though the boy has a friend over,they'll be out riding bikes all evening. I sat there, looking at hubby...I was like...I'm gonna be bored!


Bailey learned some new tricks on his bike. He wanted to show them off to his sister. "Video tape yourself doing them....and ill watch the video. " Yeah. Its come down to that. Seriously.

Search it up

This is Bailey's saying for looking something up online. He'll always say....ill go "search it up" I think its super cute. Today getting a part for his bike he said well ill go home get on (insert boy biking website here)  and search it up. Lmbo! I love him. Along with the other 3.

Apparently love is measured by purchases of Dr pepper

Omg its the mcchicken saga all over again. Only this time, its over a bottle of Dr pepper. I never do anything for her. Buy the others everything they've ever wanted. She's like the red headed stepchild. Cinderella or whomever else is mistreated horribly whilst the siblings are swooned upon. ALL of the clothes in her closet she bought. SHE pays her own phone bill. I NEVER take her places. Ect ect. All because I wouldn't purchase a Dr pepper for her immediate consumption on this lovely sunny day. Oh and what's for dinner... fish....YUCK!  lawdy am I feeling like I should rush this mistreated child off for a big gulp, and possibly drown her in it.  Ha!

February twentieth - some days

Some days "mama" grates on my last nerve. Days like today its music to my ears. Crazy how that works. We had a sock matching party. Went for chick fil a and then bought the hubby some new socks ... his others were lets just say...NOT WHITE.   I covered some old boxes in contact paper and put in on my bookshelf. Super cute. Super good day.

February nineteenth- all the walls

In all the house are Painted. Unless you count our bathroom. Or closets. I love our bedroom it feels much cozier yay for paint!

February eighteenth- the good the bad and the Hannah

Hannah is an awesome kid. When she gets tired or frustrated though ...she does a 360. Today was both sides of her. She decorated my cake. All by herself. I loved it. She was proud. We had dinner...she loved it... it was tasty. Then her sister said something, wifi wasn't working and "evil hannah" appeared. She ended up falling asleep in her closet, where I will leave her,  because honestly I am thankful she's asleep.

February seventeenth - its my birthday, so what?

So I still had to work. Come home. Clean the cat box. Put the toilet paper on the roll. Wash dishes. Tim and 3 kids went to his dads.  One kid and I were home. After I prepared dinner and called her to come eat " not hungry !" She exclaimed. So on my birthday, I sat at the table and ate dinner, alone. Happy birthday to me!

February sixteenth-life of my house plant

I got a plant today...pretty right?  I have a not so green thumb when it comes to house lets see if I can keep it alive. I'm actually amazed it made it here from the store!

February fourteenth- valentines day

Middle girl had a party for vball. Wanted me to make TAMALES?!  WTF! I told her I'd bring dip....then on my way to work realized....I work at a PIZZA PLACE.....ill take her pizza! Her day had been horrible. She stained her shirt at lunchtime. Fell down the stairs and busted her butt....then....she. shattered her iPhone screen. I know its not like me.... but I felt bad for the poor girl. Before bringing pizza....I stopped, bought her a box of chocolates, and a Mylar "I love you" balloon. Meeting her at the gym door with pizza....chocolate and balloon in Hand, a gust of wind came and PULLED THE BALLOON straight off the string! We both laughed. She said aat least shed seen it.. and I reminded her the thought was what counts. What. A. Day!

February thirteenth - working girl

Today I ran my oldest to yet another job interview. Actually the interview was yesterday. Today they called,  she got the job. Had to fill out papers. Its a little less exciting when your kid gets her,  what seventh job?  In just under 2 years. it's more like a pain in the ass. While she filled out papers...hannah and I went to the pet store.

February twelfth - honey DID

We got a ceiling fan, and paint for the bedroom. I was certain it would take a month minimum for honey to put up The fan (that's with everyother day nagging) well Monday night we bought it...and I'm proud to report today...Wednesday it is not only installed .....but properly working! Also one wall painted! Dishes were done...took the girl child (who thinks he's a douche) to a job interview, and picked up everyone from school. Whatta man whatta man.. what a mighty good man!

February eleventh- better

One day can be crazy....the next normal. The sun shone. Kids got along (as did adults) shopping was done. Mom has peace. Stress level went back down.

Febuary tenth -douche

Its funny how some one who has raised you. Taken you to school. Done all that jazz can quickly become a "douche" for simply butting in. " I can't wait till I'm eighteen " honey you ain't the only one !

February ninth- up your nose with a rubber chicken

My boy was gone this whole weekend. 3 full nights. Longest time since camp. He came home with gas. Bad gas. I missed him. Not that. Then just because they missed each other so much my kids whacked each other with a rubber chicken, to the point of tears. Welcome home Bubba ...welcome home

February eighth- I'm not lovin' it

 You see I have a seventeen year old. Something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Some days she likes me okay...some days, like today, I refuse to buy her a mcchicken, and I'm suddenly demons spawn parent, the reason for all that might be,  is,  and ever will be wrong with her life. Apparently today a mcchicken was the only thing even remotely edible in the city. So as I was about to rip my hair out....shoot myself....find a fourth story window to jump super hero lisa came by in her silver bullet (okay minivan) to take me away from it all.  Some retail therapy. Then to her house to hang out with this little guy. 

February seventh-in all you do

I always try to do my best....and here for a while at work,  feeling unappreciated I slacked. It did nothing to help the situation at all. It made only myself look and feel worse. I know better now. I feel good knowing I'm doing my best....and even if lets say,  the boss,  doesn't notice.... I notice , God notices , and that's what really matters anyway.

February sixth- I wish

I wish you were I could tell you about the naan bread I made with my first Indian dish. I wish you could come to destiny's graduation. I wish you could see how beautiful promise has become. How tall bailey is. I wish you were around to take him hunting, he really wants to go. I wish you knew how smart hannah is. I wish you knew how much I love much I miss you all the time... I wish you wouldn't have drank. I wish you were still around. I wish I had just one more moment.

February fifth - work

Well work went well. Finally talked with the boss. Figured out where we both stand. Realized I don't want to find another job...and I think he realizes he'd rather me not also. Which works for me. I'm happy again, for now ....I am a woman so who knows for how long. Grocery shopped. Made an. Awesome dinner. Banana bread. Life is good today.

February fourth-day off

Everyone was off today! A snow day from school and Tim's work.....and I just was randomly scheduled off on a Tuesday. Woo. I spent it sleeping in....and being lazy.

February third-annoyingly perfect

I wonder....if it will ever happen,  that we all sit down to dinner together....and someone NOT call someone else annoying. Just one dinner. Just once in my life. Who wants to place bets on weather or not that ever happens? Then of course after one calls another "annoying" I'm then chastized because that other child is "perfect" apparently now TWO of my children are perfect .....50/50 not bad if I do say so myself! So yeah it was a lovely dinner. After a lovely day....I couldn't have asked for anything less! 

February second-again with the snow

Damn groundhog predicts 6 more weeks of winter if to prove his point, we get a snow storm. Of course. Hubster has been laid off for 6 weeks...resturaunt reopened yesterday....and now its closed due to incliment weather....I won't even mention the any moment now text ill receive about school being out....

February first - looming

2 boys playing video games....johnny asked hannah to teach him how to make loom bracelets. I love those kids when they're getting along!

January 31st-is this real life?

Oh my. I have awesome kids. Everyday I need to realize this....but sometimes the attitudes or upturned noses at dinner cause me to forget. Being a mom is a privilege!

January 30th- my old man!

My hubs turned 45 today. He's so OLD lol! He had free lunch at golden corral, I made dinner and then we had a dq icecream cake....uh....YUM! HAPPY birthday to my wonderful husband! Love you baby!

January 29th-hubbys early bday dinner

I was out late with the girls,  shopping at we just went for Tim's bday dinner a day early. Mmm food I didn't have to prepare :)

January 28th-dress

Colors day. Another formal dress. I am SO GLAD my kids are thrifty. 28 dollars!  Heck yeah! Its zebra,  the same color sscheme as she just painted her room...she's covering her face...says she looked like "poo "

January twenty seventh-dinners

My friend shared this online menu meal planner with me. I'm on the third week now. 5 recipes a week...and almost all of them, my family has enjoyed! Tonight was sausage rigitoni and Italian salad....with dressing I made myself. yum!

January twenty sixth-paint!

Promises room is almost done! She picked out paint for her birthday, shes so happy!

January twenty fifth-flood

Had to work today. Got there did a load of dishes in the dishwasher and it just wouldn't stop filling! I flooded half the kitchen before figuring out there was a shut off valve! Gah! Spent about an hour mopping! Good times....good times.

January twenty fourth-night out

After work hubster and I got some dinner. Jjs loaded fries nothing better (or more fattening) its nice to have kids that are old enough to be left home alone for a little while!

January twenty third-ch-ch-changes

Woke up to my phone ringing. The little cafe I applied at Tuesday calling to ask me to start Sunday! Its just weekends for now, but its breakfast AND lunch shift so my hope is that I make 2 days worth in tips. In one day! Either way...its extra cash and its something if my boss doesn't pull his head out of his ass and realize I'm a good employee to have around! I'm excited, and a bit nervous...its been A LONG time since I've been a "newbie". Oh and I trained the new girl Today. She actually showed up. That's a plus!

January twenty second-snow make up days

This was written on Hannah's Calender for Monday. Made me laugh!

January twenty first-I never do that!

Ugh. One of those days. Work went well surprisingly ... after work I applied at this place I'd like to work. Might get hired on just Sundays for now,  which would be awesome. Then I could keep my current job and if I hated this place, well I'm not stuck! We'll see how that goes. Of course my almost grown child was a butt today.  Someones gotta be. She took a load out of the washer,  so she ccould wash her laundry but just plunked the wet clothes in a Basket rather than...oh I. Dunno....PUTTING THEM IN THE DRYER.  You see the dryer had Clean dry Clothes in it.... so it was to difficult of a task. And why should she switch over MY LAUNDRY. " Its not like you ever do my laundry" what?  Really?  Oh. Brother. 4 months 8 days... hahahhaha

January twentieth - breaking point

Well my boss is back to just not speaking. Its crazy to come into work, not even been told hello. How was your weekend. Nothing.  I get told I have my head up my ass...yet, I'm training a New girl tomorrow. Its the new joke that I'm training my own replacement. Funny thing is...its not that funny,  because its likely true. So yeah it was another thankless unfun,  boring day at work. I wish it had at least been busy. I've got a lead on a place thats hiring.  I'm applying tomorrow before work.  I'm ready for a change of pace.

January nineteenth - everybody ate!

My friend subscribed to this weekly menu planner. 5 recipes, complete with the grocery list! I made every meal from it last week....and every night there were few complaints and eeven FEWER leftovers! Amazing!

January eighteenth -life hack

I saw this on that handy website lifehacks. Awesome!

January seventeenth-gas station sushi? You've seen the commercial (if not follow that link) we all make bad decisions ... Today,  I got busy at work ....then I was hungry. I had to run to Walmart for the blonde child's trip....and well I was hungry. I bought Walmart sushi ....and beef jerky...a candy bar....and a diet coke.  I shared the sushi....jerky... and candy bar though.  So don't judge. Either way. Today was awesome. Hubby back to work. Got mine and his checks. I was able to pay ALL of the bills for this month, leaving a positive balance in the account AND cash inside my purse! Oh and so far,  no adverse reaction from the Walmart sushi!

January sixteenth-almost human

Just about all I did was work,  and cook dinner.  I feel closer to human than I began to think was possible! Yay zpack! I was even able to squeeze in some hot cocoa muffins with marshmallow fluff frosting....and swollowing them was NOT TORTURE!

January fifteenth-the bed has claimed me as its own

All I've done is lay in bed. For nearly 3 full days now. Up only to pee, shower, and made dinner now the last two nights. There is an indention of my body on my side. I never get sick.  I hate being sick. I want to feel normal again. This sucks. The photo of Today is from my bed,  of course.

January thirteenth-Sicko

Apparently this post is still "publishing" so ill rewrite it. Although I'm not sure what all I wrote. I'm sick. Fever. Sore. Throat chills. Went to work because I'm "not. Allowed" to call in. After I did all my morning work and had 10 min until we opened shop I asked my boss if I clocked out could I sit until we Opened. He simply said yes. He didn't ask if I was alright ...if I needed to go home...he didn't care.  I mean I don't expect him to feel my me home and tuck me in....but as a valued long term employee I'd think my health should be a back burner concern of his at minimum. This just hit home for me I need to search for aa different job. Its time. It was time a while back. So my doc is open until like 9pm on Mondays!  Got In at 8. Fever 102.4 and STREP THROAT. so I got a. Z pack and a Dr note to miss work tomorrow and was told to drink lots of fluids and rest.  When I text my boss...he told. Me to text my...

January fourteenth-oreo

So I am sick. Strep throat. 102.4 degree temp at doctors last night. Z pack day 2 just taken... although I indeed feel more human, am able to stay upright for a good amount of time without wanting to die... I am still sick,  and my throat is still, very sore. I've eaten my calories in mostly liquids,  but tried a new recipe tonight and was bound and determined to eat it. It was tasty...but not fun to swollow.  Needless to say....this fat girl is HANGRY ... So laying her in bed (my newest favorite past time apparently) hubby is munching away....what you eating (I Gurgle between swollen tonsils)  he hands me the bag of MEGA STUFFED oreos he bought himself on his popsicle and drug run for me last night. Um... I was just wondering. I can't eat those,  it would hurt too my sweet,  loving husband offered to chew them up for me real good and spit them in my mouth like a mama bird does for her babies .... how sweet right?  Yeah sorry ladies,...

January twelfth- happy birthday taco you!

Promise turned fifteen. FIFTEEN That's like half way to thirty!  Dude! I'm still amazed at her everyday. She's smart, funny, beautiful, and has a kind heart. I don't know what I did...but I musta done something right! Love you Promise Michelle happy birthday navy!

January eleventh-dick

So its Saturday, so I'm at Lisa's. I played a little trick on Tim, changed his profile pic on Facebook....he saw it and said "your a dick" Not seconds later,  j man (Lisa's boy) is like "Co-wee...your a dick" lmfao! I've never laughed so hard after being called a dick!

January tenth-a little something more

Destiny got a tacobell meal deal. It normally comes with a bag of Doritos. Hers came with. 2 Doritos and 2 big balls of Doritos spice. Lol!

January ninth omg #hashtag

Today my girls got along. They are all in the same room. Singing and giggling together. Probably plotting some evil scheme against me... that's okay. I love sitting on my bed hearing them,  not fighting. #thisisrare

January eighth-missing you

Most days I'm cool. Then some days are like today. Spinach manicotti was for dinner. Normally I'd take the left overs to you. Your favorite. Tim made a cheesecake the other night, now don't get me wrong it was DELISH.. but it wasn't like the ones you'd make. I drive by your house. Its changed. You'd love how they've fixed it up. I wonder who's backyard Max runs around in. I wonder if he misses you too. I wish you were still here, whenever I think about you. Sometimes I get mad that your not. Sometimes I blame you, and sometimes I blame myself. Sometimes I think of all I learned through you and how much you loved me,  and my kids,  and my mom....sometimes I cry.  Sometimes I Smile