So saturday night, or early sunday morning depending in how you look at it...Let's say nearly 4am. Sound asleep in bed, as most are at this hour. Suddenly the doorbell rings and our dogs if course start barking like idiots...
We get up. I stand viewing distance from the front door as Tim let's the barky ones out back. He doesn't rush but gets to the door which has not had a knock nor ding since the initial wake up call...
Open the door. No one's there. I turn on the porch light so whomever knows were up at this point if they would like to knock again. nothing.
Wake hannah up the next morning, well 4 hours later... she was freaking out. She had slept with her phone in the bed with her, and apparently dialed 911 (emergency call button) while sleeping. So apparently that one ding at 4am was police coming to make sure we were safe... I feel secure.
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