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Showing posts from August, 2012

The weight of the world

Is always on moms shoulders it seems. I've complained about it before but well when is that ever enough? I have to keep complaining right! I work. No I don't have a full time and part time job.... But when I work I work hard and when I get home, I seldom have time to relax. Let's take today for example: got up helped get kids around. While Tim took them to school I got ready for work fed the dogs and picked up the trail of things left behind by the kids... Went to work. Did all my work duties there, after work I had to run to Walmart and get a backpack and various other school supply they still need. Once I am finished at the store it's time to pick up a kid from school. I wait in a long ass line wishing I had peed at the store. Get kid go home. Once home I Let the dogs out make sure the kids get a snack get things for dinner set out, unload dishes and reload dishwasher oh and I clean the cat box too. Start getting the chicken ready and realize I forgot a...

New School

Bailey boo decided that this year he wanted to attend "normal" school. Not the small Charter he's gone to ever since kindergarten. His sisters have all stepped away from there as well in Middle School, and I guess I thought it would be better he switch first year of middle and be "the new kid" along with everyone else. So after he went back and forth a few times, "normal" school it is.  Now I am thinking he is regretting his choice. Its only the fourth day but he sits alone at lunch or with people who just sit there for a place to sit. He does not talk to anyone and does not have friends. This did not happen with the girls, but they are both "social butterflies" Bailey mentioned that "at least he had friends" at his old school... Thing is he would always say he didn't have friends at his old school, even though teachers and other kids were always like HI BAILEY. So I am unsure if he really doesn't have friends, or does her...

They Make Me Feel Wanted

 My customers. I have some of the best in the world I am certain. Ive had regulars everywhere I have waited tables, but having been at Jims SO long I have REALLY REALLY regulars. Even people who have not come in over a year, remember me and I them, so they feel regular even when they aren't really anymore! :)  So many times Tim has told me that if I were to quit "no one" would come in anymore... I just laugh him off. I mean yes, there are people who love seeing me there, and I know that, but I am not the ONLY reason they are there, pizza, salad AND a drink for 6.00 thats another top reason!  Today though this couple comes in. They normally ask where I am when they come. Today was no different. When they were about to leave, the man called me over, and told me he just HAD to tell me something, even though I was probably to busy to hear it (I am NEVER too busy to hear about myself being great)  He said the past few times they had been in, I had been off work (mus...

Back to school, so beautiful!

 I love summer weather, the lake, sleeping in... All that.  What I don't love is my kids home during the day without much supervision, Food being eaten out of boredom, and coming home to a disastrous home.  So Hannah started school last week, but today was the first day all four were in school. It was lovely. Getting them all up, and they were all ready too! No falling back asleep no complaining. Got on a nice new outfit looked all cute and had some breakfast.  The morning would have been perfect had it not been for a Miss Hannah fit. She couldn't find a "thing to waer" in her stuffed full of shirts dresser drawer there was apparently not one item that was not too baggy or too tight or made her look "fat" Gah. Ended up in Tim having to get the other kids to school and come BACK for her, leaving her tardy to class, Only the second week and she's not only missed 3 days of school, but now she's tardy too!  Anyway back to them all being gone all da...

Your gonna miss this...

 Your gonna want this back, your gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast... These are some good times so take a good look around. You may not know it now, but your gonna miss this.  Its true. Every now and then, take time to step back and realize what all you have. What you might not have tomorrow, even what you have today, its going to change and could become something else. The love you feel, the way your wanted and needed and appreciated. The way YOU want, and need and appreciate. It all changes with time. Its crazy.  I can remember when my kids were little. I had several little kids at once. 4 children in 7 years? Yeah they were close together. I remember having to take all four to the store. The tantrums, the please moms, the baby is hungry and where can I hide to feed hers, the boy lost his binki where is the kind he likes open it now, buy it on the way outs... I never once back then thought to myself  "One day my kids will not want to go to the store...

When your caught, be honest.

 Everyone screws up. Everyone breaks the rules, and everyone makes mistakes. I think it is what you do about it, once you realize you've screwed up, that makes you an honest person, or not. So if your caught, admit it, apologize for it (if your sorry) and if you agree to not do it again, then don't. Live up to your word and you can still be respected right? NO ONE is perfect and I don't claim to be by any means. As a teenager, I made mistakes, as a mother I have made even more. All I can do, is try to improve through each mistake and become better. I'm trying and that says something!  Hannah started school today. The others go back Monday. Wow. Bailey is no longer in the little "safe" charter school. He wanted to try out "regular" public school this year. Promise has done much better, you can see it in her benchmark scores for sure! So hopefully Bailey thrives as well. He's ready for a change and I felt that this year, would work better than ne...

A week off of mom

 Well almost anyway. This week my kids went to camp! 6 full days. They are still gone in fact. They come home tomorrow at noon! I can't wait to see them. I was seeing and hearing mirage children at the grocery the other day... Thats how much I miss them!  The first two days they were gone Tim and I had the day off. We went to Eureka springs. It was nice to drive by something and just STOP and go look just because, or to just TAKE OFF and go when we wanted to. We had lunch both days and it was delicious! We had a nice time together as husband and wife, instead of mom and dad.  Of course Destiny was home, well the few nights she spends AT home she was here... OF course she tried to make up for the other kids being gone playing her teenager games she plays... We got over all that and last night spent some time together too, and it felt nice to just sit and chit chat with her. Looking at her talk, I could still see the "baby" she used to be in her now grown up face. Its c...


 It doesn't have to be a fancy dinner, or a dozen roses... Sometimes its walking into the bathroom to bring him the shampoo, and seeing I LOVE YOU written in the steam on the shower door that really makes me tingly.... Even after 10 years, he can melt me. I am a lucky girl.  My babies leave for Camp SUNDAY. That is 2 days from now. I won't even be there to see them off. I didn't realize what time they would be going and I am scheduled to work! Super bummer. They cannot take a phone and are not allowed to call or text FOR 6 DAYS!!! I know they are going to have a blast, in fact, I wish I could go!! I will miss them, although its going to be AWESOME to see my house STAY clean for 6 full days!!!  Oh and on that bright note, school is just 17 days away!!! This summer FLEW by this year! I feel like we got out there and did some stuff this year, it was a fun summer. I cannot wait for the school year though hee hee!