Is always on moms shoulders it seems. I've complained about it before but well when is that ever enough? I have to keep complaining right! I work. No I don't have a full time and part time job.... But when I work I work hard and when I get home, I seldom have time to relax. Let's take today for example: got up helped get kids around. While Tim took them to school I got ready for work fed the dogs and picked up the trail of things left behind by the kids... Went to work. Did all my work duties there, after work I had to run to Walmart and get a backpack and various other school supply they still need. Once I am finished at the store it's time to pick up a kid from school. I wait in a long ass line wishing I had peed at the store. Get kid go home. Once home I Let the dogs out make sure the kids get a snack get things for dinner set out, unload dishes and reload dishwasher oh and I clean the cat box too. Start getting the chicken ready and realize I forgot a...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!