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Showing posts from July, 2012

I know you are but what am I?!

Today was a day at work. Everything seemed to be going just fine, until a customer complained about the price of his take out lunch special. Upon realizing the other girl misunderstood his order I was on my way to making it right with him.... When she exclaimed well HE SAID small salad bar... And slapped the now corrected sized box down in front of him. I shrugged her off and said something about the customer always being right.... If he wanted a side but said small BIG DEAL fix it an move on.... So I voided his card, and was about to charge him the correct amount when he grabbed up his card and said "never mind, cancel my order.... I don't want to deal with YOUR ATTITUDE" he said as he pointed in Leah's direction. Wowsa. So I wrote on the cancelled ticket the reason the customer had stated. I asked the kitchen not to make the order as it had been cancelled. Then I was called a bitch. Yep. I was told that she hated working with me and I was a bitch.... This set T...

You can't make this shit up

 Oh wow. So it takes all kinds to make the world go around we know this. Everyone is crazy, but some people show it more... This man shows it a LOT more. We have a customer, a homeless man I am going to presume by the look (and smell) of him. I have heard stories of him coming in, and the odd special requests but never witnessed it first hand, until Friday night. Get some popcorn this is a doozy!  So I see a man I believe to be the crazy man, walking down the street, and ask my boss for a brief description of said crazy dude. Yup. Pretty sure that is him. I say "I hope he comes in, I want to see this shit first hand." I would later eat those words.  I see him walking up to the door and I run back to tell my boss that I don't want to wait on him... My boss in turn RUNS (he is not the running type mind you) back to the cooler and literally hides. I am the only other person IN the restaurant, and its my JOB to do this so I go out there and witness the madness first hand....

You were already gone

Or at least it seems like you were. Once my mom and my dad, dad through adoption, separated it was almost as though I was not really all that important anymore.... Part of that was the miles apart, but an even bigger part, was alcohol. Again with alcohol ruining, and ending lives. I hate it. I know my dad came to visit once, I was 15. On his way back home he was arrested for drinking and driving. He told me he wouldn't be visiting again. So that was that, he was now a wanted "felon" in Indiana, I guess for not paying his fines, and he didnt want to risk going back to jail. Understandable I suppose. The following year I rode a bus with. My one year old daughter to come and visit and introduce dad to his new grand daughter. It was a nice visit. It was obvious though that my dad had many issues. Starting with alcohol, mixed up with a money hungry, live in girlfriend, who stated his money was her money and her money was her money.... She went and bought steaks and wat...

Dr visits

Luckily an urgent care clinic was open today, and takes our insurance.... Because three of my four kids are sick. So after an exciting morning of pizza place I got to haul their sick butts to the clinic and pay a doctor money to tell me what I already know, is wrong with my kids.... They should know by now that I am "dr Clorie" What made me certain the boy was really not feeling it, was when his girlfriend called and said she was home after nearly a week away, bailey didn't suck it up to go out and play... He stayed in bed, in his underwear. Poor baby boy. Promise has strep, which I knew.... Bailey has an ear infection (no?realy) And Hannah is likely just a cold or allergies.... But if it seems to turn strep like, I got an rx for her as well. I told my co worker I'd work for him tomorrow.... I'm such a nice person "a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day" a customer actually said that, about me! The other day you ask ask my boss he was a witness to i...


Bailey told me last night that he might possibly go to prom now when he's in high school.... This little girl has him head over heels y'all. She better not break my baby boys heart, that's all I gotta say.