Until I got to work. Isn't it funny how that works. I miss my kids, and my husband like crazy when I am gone, up until they are with me for 10 min or so. HA! This weekend was one of the craziest I have had. Teenagers. 2 more years for the one. 2 more stinkin' years. She's counting down the seconds, and I am starting to count them down as well. I love her, but Lord have Mercy she caused me more grey hairs this weekend alone than I have gotten all my life. Then I get to work. I am told that others think I do not do enough at work, or that I get away with so much. Because, I once again, forgot to put up my damn pasta noodles I cooked for pasta salads... So someone else had to do it for me. I have done many things for other people, yes I might have bitched about it, but I did it. So sorry that after a slammin busy lunch where afterwards I emptied the entire ice bin, dumping 10 gallon buckets of ice/water out 15 times.... I forgot to put up a collinder of boiled pasta...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!