It seems odd to me, that someone who was always getting mad at me, who felt that I was "shitty to work with" Still takes time out of their day, to read, and then go on to talk about what they read, in my blogs. I guess its like that quote, "Love me or hate me, either way your thinking about me" ha. Insane in a way really. So work went really well today. Busy but not insanely so. Just enough to keep us moving and make time pass by the way it should. Then I get home and I am told that I apparently have a stalker, so once again I am told I should keep what I say in MY Blogs to myself. Freedom of speech is an awesome thing. I am not going to stop blogging, I enjoy it. I enjoy going back and remembering my crazy days, or remembering how I thought something was the end of the world and when I go back and read it thinking oh wow... It gets so much worse! I love re reading the funny things my kids have said and done, and the odd stories customers have told me. Also the...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!