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Showing posts from July, 2009

You always want what you cannot have...

No one ever really seems completely happy with life. With their hair, teeth, body, money situation. You name it. Something is always wrong somewhere. I am no better. I look at pictures of me with my hair short, and wish I could chop it off, then when its short, I look at pictures of it long and wish it would grow. I think I am fat, and see pictures of me at 140 thinking how thin I look, but I remember being 140 and thinking I was fat still. It makes me wonder if I can ever just be happy? With my hair, my body, my family, with life. Can anyone TRULY just be happy? Don't get me wrong. I am happy I am satisfied with life. Does that mean I don't look at the other side of the fence, or wonder what if? No. I still do that, I think that everyone does. Why?

We Really Shouldn't Be Doing This....

So I am a waitress. I have quite a few "regulars" having been there for over 6 years now. There is one customer, who has been a almost every day regular since day one. That is right. He has been there nearly every day for 6 years. He is there as often as I am. He always sits with me. He knows my kids by name, Tim, and I his. I have waited on his father, his wife, his son, his sister in law. He and I chit chat quite a bit as he comes in daily normally when we are not quite so busy any more. I chat with him instead of cleaning up... Shhhh don't tell the boss ;o) So recently his wife and him started having problems, well he did not really even know they were, she just moved out and filed for divorce. Turns out, she has a boyfriend. Well their son does not like the boyfriend, or the IDEA of his mom having one... So to try to make "dad" look like the bad guy too, she brought up "him and I" As if we were doing something wrong!!! That same day he told me ...

"Almost" camping

I think as far as camping goes... Almost camping is my kind of camping. I like being out there, during the day. Some food cooked on an open fire, listening to the crickets chrip and watching the lightening bugs start to come out. When it comes time to shower, or go use the toilet though, I am just about ready to leave! I have never slept all night at a campsite and seeing as I dont own a tent, I am not sure I ever WILL. I am fine with day camping though! Today Stephanie and her family came down to Devil's Den and we met up with them there. We walked the campsite went to the creek (after the kids were in we saw a sign "swimming not permistted") OOOOOOOPS Ignore any pictures you later see of them in a creek :O) It was a good time, and even better, when it got dark, and bugs started to swarm, we were able to leave, come home into air conditioning and sleep on a soft bed with Tim's 900 pillows. That is MY kind of camping ;o) It was nice to see Stephanie and her family...

Life is BUSY!

I feel like I get up, work, come home, do work, and barely get to sit down before its time for bed. That is fine though I am not complaining. I have been able to keep myself really busy. No more being bored that is for sure. Dinner, clean kitchen, weed garden, water flowers, lay in the hammock with the kids... There's always something to do, or to be done. We got our payment booklet in the mail the other day. Realness has hit home! We have to PAY for this house we're living in! I have never had a payment booklet for anything! Its super cool! Our goal is to pay the house off in less than the 30 years we have to do so. I think we can do it, were setting our minds to it and we can do ANYTHING we set our minds to! :) So that is where I am currently. Not much to say I just wanted to blog while I had the time. Off to go get my teenager from the mall now, and then come back home and crawl into bed with my sleeping husband.