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Showing posts from July, 2014

He kissed a girl, and he liked it....

  S o yesterday my son, my ONLY son... Sent me a facebook massage, hey mom... guess what? Uh... what... "K" and I kissed. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! So a little back story. 2 or maybe almost 3 years ago, when my son met "K" he liked her. He was SCARED to death of her he liked her so much. She was Hannah's friend, and anytime he'd see her he would RUN. FF a few days until he found out she liked him as well. They started "dating" I think they "Dated" for quite some time, with a few minor break ups, one because he was being a jerk when his friends were around...   but this girls name was carved on his skateboard... You know stuffs serious!  Anyway things didn't work out. He would NOT kiss her. LOL. They were on the ferris wheel stuck up top, and he would not kiss her... I think she got discouraged and broke up with him, either way they remained friends. All was well with the world. Hannah and her remain "Besties" to th...

You spin me right round baby right round, like a washing machine spin cycle....

 So were grown ups now. With jobs we've had for years, a home we own and credit. Credit is both a good and bad thing. Credit has allowed me to get my fillings done at the dentist when I'd already used all my insurance. Credit has helped us get our home, and things we didn't really need maybe but wanted really bad.  So for a while now our washer has been making this God awful sound as it stops and starts back up on the spin cycle... I am honestly shocked it's still working since it was SEVERAL months ago Destiny called me at the store telling me the washer was SMOKING. I assumed she meant dryer, but when I got home indeed the washer was bellowing rubber smelling smoke throughout the house. After that we used smaller loads and it makes that sound... but somehow continued to work!  So this weekend, the dryer just stopped getting hot. It spins and all that, but as you well know without heat, it doesn't really DRY anything. I contemplated a used dryer again, what we...

That could have been my son...

 Today I was bring the boy and his buddy's back home from the dirt track. Bailey had all kinds of bracelets on his arm, and I was asking him where he got them, and what they said. One was for baby Ella, who had a liver problem, and transplant to correct it. One is a random band I don't remember and the other was for this boy, who skated at the Bentonville skate park. He recently passed away Bailey told me. He died from cancer.  It hit me. That could have been my son. We are SO lucky and I simply do not thank God enough for the fact that I have a healthy, strong, tall, 13 year old son who "loves love movies" rides his bike on dirt tracks, leaves dirty clothes all over his floor and smells a bit too boyish sometimes.  How LUCKY are we to still have Bailey in our lives, to still be able to watch him grow and learn and do and just LIVE. We are so very lucky and I think sometimes when daily life I almost forget... Just how lucky I am. How lucky are we, that on Janu...

This really happened

So customers came in with their 5 children. I have nothing against people with a lot of kids… or the mess involved with people lots of kids, and eating out...  The chidren do not run amuck but they are allowed to do whatever while seated.  Spit balls… noisey… baby crawling on the table… play with the shakers and sugars… its all good. Tonight kid opens a sweet thing packet, pours it out onto the table… then, I swear I don't make this shit up,  begins to LICK IT OFF THE TABLE! I say something along the lines of "I hope I cleaned the table well" dad looks over at 8 year old sucking down fake sugar with his tongue and instructs him how to instead… use his finger to lick up the sweet powder.  The kids however were not allowed a caffine beverage…. Thank goodness. Lol. Oh and more than 4 times today…. Would you like that pizza THIN or DEEP PAN was met with the response "hand tossed". Arrrrghhh! 😐

Boys will be boys.

I am a girl.  I was an only child.  My good friends growing up, als girls.  I've had 3 girls… and I have a boy. I've dealt with boobs and pubic hair and periods… even birth control and “the talk“ with the girls and I feel I've handled it quite well. The circumcision…  I made daddy take care of. The armpit hairs still freak me out… and don't even LET HIM MENTION mustache hairs or I might start bawling.  Today though, without going into detail…  I wished I only knew about pit hairs and pubes.  I'm not ready for boy stuff. Daddy has some talking to do with his son.

I like love movies

Apparently while at a friends this week bailey watched titanic. He said to me..."I like love movies." I said well its kind of an action too..."yeah but I liked the love parts... my eye almost even watered" Wow. He will make a girl a lucky lady one day.... I love him.