First off, I am sorry mr blog that I have not played with you in quite some time. As you well know I have four children, a job, a mini zoo, and a husband to tend to. This leaves me hardly enough time to sleep, and if I am lucky shower (and that other s word) each day. Let along "blog". Although I LOVE going back through my blogs, seeing what life was like last time I blinked and either laughing at myself for thinking something was such a big deal... or being amazed and wondering how I made it through. Either way I want to get back into doing this. What better time to try to start, with summer right around the corner and kids about to be stuck RIGHT UP my ass. Where is life. Well my child, my first born GRADUATED high school!! Thats right, SUPER proud momma moment right there buddy! I mean after ALL the days I had to practically DRAG her in by her hair to school... Going to the principal about her attendance, oh and I wont EVER forget the day I walked the campus wit...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!