I was told today by one of my children...I do nothing for her. this prompted me to compile a quick list- just what I can think of off the top of my head. Lets see well start with ★ carried you inside my own body for 9+ months. Eating well, sleeping well, not drinking or smoking and ttaking vitimans that made me gag. ★ THIRTY SIX HOURS of labor and pushing...your head by the way was OVER the 100 percentile in size (larger than most) ★ I awoke every time you did, for at least 6 months that was more than once per night. ★wiped your butt. Changed your clothes. Cleaned your vomit. ★ Dr visits. One well ccheck per year, not to mention ER visits in the middle of the night when Dr was closed ★ taught you to walk, talk, count, your body parts, animal sounds, numbers, answered all your "why's" (there were a lot! ) ★signed you up for sschool. Made sure you were dressed fed and ready. Worried if you remembered your lunch code, did you m...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!