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Showing posts from March, 2012

You take the good, you take the bad, take them both and there ya have...

The facts of life! Thats right. Totally quoting an 80's sitcom! LOL.  Its true though, you have to take the good with the bad. Because life does not just give you good. If it did, I would have nothing to bitch/blog about now would I?  I have 2 teenage daughters, enough said if you have your own. If you don't let me just say, act now so that you never will... ha!  Last week the girls had their father down for a visit. That was nice. He took them to his hotel and kept them, which was REALLY nice, for both me and them I am sure. Its been far and few between with his visits.  We all went to the zoo yesterday and got our sex education as well. We learned how to do it "turtle style" and saw a monky's manhood. Got to love the zoo!  Oh and Tim was FINE with leaving MY window open for the camel to stuff its head in... but when a camel came to his side it "Looked mean" and so he kept his window up. What a baby! LOL!

The squeaky wheel

We've had some issues with our produce deliveries at work recently, and I've complained. So our produce came earlier than usual and my boss was commenting. I said it must have been that they didn't want to hear me complain anymore. His words of wisdom: "the squeaky wheel gets the grease....and I'm sorry to say it, but your one squeaky wheel."

Sour grapes

Friday night at work. I had a little boy and his dad at my table. They got.some stuff off of the salad bar while they waited for pizza. When I went over to ask how everything was, the little boy held up the plate pictured below.... And said, "I don't really like them grapes."

The things I never told you....

 Today has been a really rough day for our family. We just found out that my moms' ex boyfriend (of like 14 years) has passed away. Not only that, but he passed away 18 days ago and were just now finding out, not from family but from a random stranger basically. That sucks.  Let me start near the end I guess. When my mom broke up with Don, it was not because he harmed her or was hurtful or a bad person. She put up with a lot of things from him. His drinking being a big one. She was no longer in love for whatever reason and I respect that. I think her staying was maybe worse than her sticking around when she no longer had the feelings he thought she did.  When my mom left Don, she did so quickly. She just up and left, got things that were important to her, leaving the rest for him. She told him she wanted to remain friends, but he called 12 times a day and cried, or begged for her to come back, she just stopped answering her phone. Then he started leaving message after...

Forget the daily crap

I don't even know what day I am supposed to be on. To Hell with it. LOL. So teenagers. Someone shoot me now. One moment alls well, the next she's calling my husband a douche. I wouldn't have dared call any adult a name like that.... Two nights ago pms hit I was mean and hateful so I hid in my room. I come out to a cleaned up kitchen. She can be so good, and so helpful when its really needed. She is certainly growing and maturing so much in the past year. I am really proud of who she is becoming. Then she comes home (i let her stay out an hour later)  bitching about a soggy sandwich, and calling my husband a douche for "looking at her like that" really? Dude. So thats life right now. Teenagers. Promise is hitting teenage too. Can't walk home anymore....attitude from Hell....and all I keep thinking is how I still have 2 more, and they will only be better at this, since they are getting free lessons. YAY!

71- spring baby!

Today was SO spring-like. Trees budding, flowers bloomed, 70 degrees, blue skies, sunshine. Sent the kids outside and they played together, nicely. The hard of hearing boy heard an icecream truck miles away....after a long hunt, dollars in hand, they gave up and came home empty handed... But more awesome, the icecream man song always means summer! Oh, and daylight savings spring forward....DIDN'T EVEN MESS ME UP THIS YEAR! WOOT GO SPRING! AFFE

70 the good bad and ugly

When your family, and with each other day in and day out without breaks....all those bad habits get in your nerves....and because your family you voice your opinions. It's just not usually pretty.   Life was rough today, but in the end it all turned out better. Although now that its bedtime....well were back to square one. Loving life baby.

69- I am obsessed

With ghenghis grill. I swear its an addiction. I can go there though and if we all get water....its just a little bit more than getting nasty greasy fast food. So yeah went there again tonight. What can I say I'm lazy. I need to get groceries. Hopefully tomorrow. Oh I also sold girlscout cookies for 3 hours today. More for sale if anyone's interested!

68 Vegas baby

The boss is going away for a week a "pizza convention" in Vegas. While the cats away....;) I am feeling almost normal now. I hate being sick. Not sure what was wring with me....because as if yet, knock on wood, no one else has gotten sick. Strange.

skip a few more to 67

 Ah whatever. My excuse this time. I've been sick. Like I actually missed work sick, sick. Sucks. Mom's arent really allowed to get sick. I was so sick yesterday that Tim took the night off work to stay home and care for the kids. So very sweet of him. That way they were able to get to church and all that, while I laid in bed and did nothing.  Today I went back to work, I feel ok but not 100 percent. Moving around makes it worse, so by the end of the day I was more than ready to clock out, come home, and relax? Uh not so much.  Today I flipped out on Destiny. She went out, promising to be home at 9 but then didn't have the ride. I went off, this is the second time. So now she's pissed, not even eating dinner... I can look back already and realize she's not done anything MAJOR but even so if you don't have a ride, tell me that up front not AT 9. I over reacted, and she didn't care about the rules set. Nothing new there.  I swear when she was born, I nev...

63-this is the day

That the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Today was a nice day. Spring like still. The kids played outside. Bailey and his friend let Hannah tag along with them. Promise shared her bike with Hannah. Life was good today. On our way home from taking baileys friend home I saw this beautiful sunset. Almost made me sad our home is so IN the city. Sunsets just don't look the same!

62- be prepared

It shouldn't just be a boyscout motto. In everything if your prepared, its much easier to deal with shit hitting the fan....and if shit doesn't hit the fan....Oh well, works done...sit back and relax! Work was not fun today. I was nice and came in for an afternoon party where the dumb adults stood IN MY WAY the entire time, dispute my 100 excuse me's. I was asked to work that evening as well... And everything was screwed. Nothing was ready. A party was written down for the wrong time, I got everyone mad at me for calling in the "big guns" Oh well such is life. Today is a new day.

61- pull it out early

So the boss is back, minus an appendix of course. Tonight all was back to normal. The loud silliness, the sexual harassment, all back to how it was.... Fun. It was a slow night at work, I got to leave early. I also get two work 3 parties tomorrow, all while hoping my kids allow each other to live while I am away. Destinys boyfriend fixed my oven drawer. I am totally stoned that she found a man with mechanical abilities.... You go girl. Now that I am starting to like the boy....Nah, she's twitterpated. LOL.

60 march first. Spring!

It already feels like spring out. Sun shining, birds chirping, breeze blowing....and flowers blooming! I cannot wait to beautify my yard... I hope its nice this weekend and I can start. Ahhhh. Springtime. Longer, warm sun filled days. Kids outside on bikes, picnics, I can't wait!

59 that kind of love

I love my husband. Sometimes when.he's at work I miss him so bad....and sometimes when he's home....I just.wish he'd leave. I'd be lying if I said I still got butterflies when he walked into the room.... Maybe some people still feel that after 9 or more years, and awesome. When I think of my life and what lies ahead for me....he's included in every dream. I can't picture not.coming home to him...needing to talk and having no one there. I am so happy to have him in my life....even.when he's a grump and furrowing his brow, he's my grump and I'm glad.