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Showing posts from May, 2010

Baby its hot... INside?

 So after my quite low electric bill last month I was trying so very hard to put off turning on the A/C. I mean my bill was less than HALF of what it normally is!!! So far May had been unseasonably cool. Stormy and rain. So I had no problem with this AC not on thing... Until this weekend. upper 80's swung in, and humidity along with it... By evening its pretty darn hot in the house... So I caved. Just for the "peak times" I told myself...  Well guess what is NOT working correctly??? If you said the AC your right! (you get a cookie) So now were suffering and sweating. LUCKILY though, we have a meager 2 weeks, well just a bit over, on our home warranty! So for 50.00 they can come out and take a look, and fix it. Whew. Well hopefully fix it for that deductible. If something needs replaced and is not up to code we do have to pay the extra to bring it up to current codes. Our new water heater, cost us just over 200.00 to install.  Hopefully its an easy fix, and hopefully t...

What a day?!

 Not so much in a bad way either. For once. Everything seemed to go right today. Or nearly so.  Lets see, my dentist drill was today. I was having problems with the tooth NEXT to the tooth I was getting my crown put on, and this worried me... Turns out nothing is wrong with said tooth, its just sensitive from all the poking and prodding that was done for the crown to be started, and the gums are inflamed. I got some mouth wash stuff that should help! :) He did an Xray to be sure and gave me the mouthwash and no extra cost, which was lovely.  The van has been wobbling, badly. Got new (used new) tires today on it, for under 200.00 and now... NO wobbles! WOOT!  Got home from the dentists and Thing 1 had cleaned both kids bedrooms, started a load of laundry and even somewhat put up the folded clothes... Wow?  Had a nice dinner w/o fuss or fighting and then, well after that it kind of went down hill. Turns out thing 4 wants to be adopted. "WHY DONT YOU JUST A...

It just does not seem real.

 Somehow, nearly fourteen years have passed by in just the blink of an eye. How does that happen? My first born, that little round headed fat baby girl, is turning into a fourteen year old, matured almost woman in just eight short days. I do not quite understand how this happened.  Just the other day when I went to give her some clothes at a friends because she was staying the night, as she walked up to the van I swear, it was like those commercials you see on TV. For a moment there she was, walking towards me, a little girl, like 3 and slowly right before my eyes and she got closer, she grew and it was just crazy.  She seems like a pretty level headed child. For the most part. As far as I can see. She's a little snot to Tim and I but to her teachers, and other adults she is normally very respectful. She has shown so much improvement this year on her school work, so much in fact that her teacher sent me an email just to tell me how much she had improved.  I can...

Not Fair.

 I hear this all the time from the kids. I took this one to the store, and not that one. This one got a baseball at the baseball game that one didn't. This one got her first phone at 12 so the other cant get it sooner, that would be unfair .  My response, almost always, is: Life, is unfair. Get over it.  You know what though. I totally agree. Its not fair. Lots of stuff is not fair, and it sucks. Life or not, it sucks.  The boo is sick. Came home feeling bad. Red cheeks, fever, stuffy nose. Its a cold. I am certain of it. The weather has been crazy this week, mid 40's up to almost 90's all in the same week. Everyone is bound to be a bit stuffed up right? I am so NOT that mom, who rushes kids to the doctor for a sniffle...  But this is the Boo. It's Bailey. When he gets sick, I worry. When his legs bother him and its more than likely growing pains, I think the worst. When his cheeks get flushed with fever, I remember those steriods and how rosy he was whe...

In love!

 With a hose roller upper thingy! I was cruising the BIG STORE the other day and I seen this deal. I have wanted one for quite a while and I thought... Hmmm MOTHERS Day is coming up, this is what I want :) I also wanted it EARLY. So Tim and the kids went to the BIG store Tuesday and got it for me!!! (I was so surprised!)  This thing, this lovely thing it takes so much time off of my garden tending! I can unroll and then roll it back up with ease!! If you do not have one, you should get one. I am in love.  Happy early Mothers Day to me :)

Now we did it!

 First off, I totally called it yesterday. Today was Hannah's day to be rotten. Not the worst rotten, but definitely an "evil Hannah" day. The only thing I could think anytime she showed her little butt was I SO called this yesterday. I even have the blog to prove it!  Funny of the day. Bailey had drawn "comics" and they were stuffed in his gym bag. I asked to see them and he acted a bit like maybe he did not want me too... He let me though. In one comic the guy is saying to someone "You did it to my wife". Ummmm. I said "Did what Bailey?" He looks at me, smiles and says "You and daddy do it. I hear you on the weekends!"  Oh My Goodness. You have got to love moments like these right? Now we've done it. Yes don't worry I have told Tim he needs to keep it down ;o)

Ups and Downs of Life

 They are always there aren't they. We go for weeks where people get along, dinner is eaten, house is clean, life is good... Then there are times when everyone is ripping out everyone else's hair out, complaining and trashing the place.  This week, is a down week thus far.  Lets see. With 5 weeks of school left, thing 1's binder has broken. This is the binder she told me she "needed" for school, turned out she "wanted it" so that she could put pictures inside which she could not do with the old one (that was still in ok condition). She threw it away. So now the new one is breaking she asked me to get a new one for her. Well looking around the house I found THREE binders. One white, JUST like her current one, only the front plastic is ripped off. Big deal. One JUST Like her current one w/o any plastic on front and dark blue, then one that is smaller and pink. NONE Of those apparently will do. They are old and "nasty" so with five weeks lef...