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Showing posts from February, 2010

Sounds like life to me....

 Life its been going on!  Just to highlight this month so far. I turned 30. I had a girls night out with my friend. We had an ENTIRE 24 hours without children, or husbands. It was a nice, nice time. Lots of laughs, bad food, and fun. I cannot wait to do it again!  My boo had his hearing test and the results were not good. Were currently looking further into all that.  I have applied for a second job and have the interview tomorrow morning (crossing fingers there)  Were in the market for a new  mini van, and the search is not going so great at the moment.  Were getting another pet, a ferret. Just what we need. soon we can charge admission to the house, calling it a "zoo" I think.  Other than that its just "life" I make the oldest clean up after herself but not the other children, horrible right? Its fine for them to hit each other but "abuse" if I even say I am going to spank a booty. They love me one moment and are yelling at me the ne...

The Big 3-0

 I still remember, when thirty was old.... My biggest fear September, when he had to go....  I Do still remember when 30 seemed like it was so old. Now, looking on to tomorrow, my thirtieth birthday, it does not seem old at all. I do not FEEL old, I don't think I even LOOK old. In fact when I buy cigarettes, I 98% of the time get carded (I don't smoke but sometimes support hubby's bad habit) I get carded 100% of the time if I have my oldest daughter with me, I think that people assume were "buddies" not mother and daughter.  So why did 30 seem so OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD when I was 13? My now 13 year old thinks that my friends and I are "old people" and this makes me laugh, until I remember being her age, and thinking how 30 was old. Your only as old as you feel though, right?  So what are my plans? Well my hubby works. I have the kids. So I figure my night will go something like, break up 30 fights between kids, get called "mean" once or twice,...

Too big for kisses

 I remember when the kids were little. How going somewhere new, they did not want to let go of mama's hand. They were scared the entire time that I was going to leave, which to them was apparently the end of the world. I remember tears on the first day of school, the first sleepover... I remember the hugs and kisses goodbye before the left, and I remember when I was the one having the problem leaving them "BYE, MOM" they would say. Then suddenly tables had turned and I was the one that wanted to stay with them, just a moment longer...  Tonight Bailey had a scout meeting. Normally daddy goes with, and stays. Tonight though daddy was at work. "You sure you will be okay if I drop you off???" I asked Bailey. "YEP." No problems, although he was biting his nails a little like maybe he was nervous. Just a bit. "You just gonna drop me off out here mom?" He asked. I walked him in... When I left him at the doors I asked for a kiss. I got a hug. ...