Well, we finally moved in. The house is live-in-able. It is not ALL the way finished, but for the most part it is! It feels nice. Really nice. We have stayed here about four nights. The kids have slept in thier own beds, even Bailey. I wondered if he would sleep alone. I figured he would have issues... He proved me wrong! He's slept in it and all night long everynight! :o) So welcome to home ownership. That is the name of this blog. Why? Because being a homeowner is HARD! We have already had things go wrong.... Luckily we have a handy Father-In-Law who is more than willing to help out when needed. He has already helped so much. He is awesome. When they brought my fridge, something blew in my electric panel, and now my garage door opener, one kitchen plug and living room fan/light do not work! No power is running to them! It really sucks. Not sure what happened but Tims dad is going to check it out tomorrow. Oh and my BRAND new fridge. The one I just bought, the ice maker par...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!