I remember hearing it SO much in a day I almost wished I wouldn't hear it again. I remember never having a moment to myself (not even to pee or bathe) I remember wishing for just one minute to myself that wasn't still spent somehow dealing with the kids. Those moments I've wished for, they're here. I get home from 9 hours of work and no one runs to the door. If I'm lucky someone will ask what I'm cooking and when it's going to be ready before slinking back off into the bedroom, closing the door, and blaring the music... So tonight I took a bath. I used to BEG for just ONE UNINTERRUPTED bath... tonight as I was shaving hard to reach areas and spread in odd directions in the tub there was a knock. "Are you almost done mama?" It was my son my baby boy who's now taller than me... he wanted me to "tickle his back" to help him fall asleep. Give me a moment (I grinned ear to ear) finished what I could reach without learning yoga, ...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!