Some days I hate my job. My boss can be hard to work for. The company seems to not appreciate me the way I feel I should be appreciated.... But then I have my customers. The ones that ask for me, ask how my kids are, tell me about their lives, or just seem to like having me wait on them. Every holiday people tend to be a little extra generous a time or two and I ALWAYS appreciate it. It helps me buy gifts for my family around this time... It also helps keep up with the bills because business tends to slow down around the holidays, and my dear husbands job lays him off a while around now every year. So that being said. We are going to be spending Christmas at home, Christmas eve is at the in laws, and I was kind of wondering where I would come up with money for the traditional ham. Now we have a chicken I could make, but the kids like tradition, and traditionally we have a ham... Today I made very nice tips. Quite a few people left more than the usual I am c...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!