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Showing posts from March, 2014

I'm Bored.

This is what my kids tell me at least 20 times a day.  Hubby was just saying how I won't have to hear it tonight. The youngest two have school until 3 (snow day make up)  the oldest works tonight, middle girl is babysitting, baby is staying at a friends and even though the boy has a friend over,they'll be out riding bikes all evening. I sat there, looking at hubby...I was like...I'm gonna be bored!


Bailey learned some new tricks on his bike. He wanted to show them off to his sister. "Video tape yourself doing them....and ill watch the video. " Yeah. Its come down to that. Seriously.

Search it up

This is Bailey's saying for looking something up online. He'll always say....ill go "search it up" I think its super cute. Today getting a part for his bike he said well ill go home get on (insert boy biking website here)  and search it up. Lmbo! I love him. Along with the other 3.

Apparently love is measured by purchases of Dr pepper

Omg its the mcchicken saga all over again. Only this time, its over a bottle of Dr pepper. I never do anything for her. Buy the others everything they've ever wanted. She's like the red headed stepchild. Cinderella or whomever else is mistreated horribly whilst the siblings are swooned upon. ALL of the clothes in her closet she bought. SHE pays her own phone bill. I NEVER take her places. Ect ect. All because I wouldn't purchase a Dr pepper for her immediate consumption on this lovely sunny day. Oh and what's for dinner... fish....YUCK!  lawdy am I feeling like I should rush this mistreated child off for a big gulp, and possibly drown her in it.  Ha!