After getting up late (snooze button my best friend/worst enemy) working 5 hours I thought I'd stop by the grocery on my way home. Its the day hubby and I met (14 years ago) and I thought I'd get him flowers....and I needed salad to go with dinner. As I walked in...a nice looking young man nodded my direction and said hello. I smiled and nodded back. As I walked off I thought I heard him say something so I turned around....he was walking up to me. He asked me my name then told me his (Mario if it matters) and told me how CUTE I was as he reached out a hand to shake. I smiled, shook his hand and thanked him for the compliment. He then asked what he could do, to make it so that he could see me again sometime .... I'm married I told him. Of course you are...your too cute to NOT BE! he said. I thanked him again, for making my day! And got my salad and flowers for the love of my life....whom I met today 14 years ago!
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!