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Showing posts from March, 2013

The pitter patter of little (annoying) feet!

 I remember when my kids were little and innocent and said super cute things. It still happens sometimes, but not nearly as often. They no longer pitter patter, they clomp. Things change, kids grow.  Luckily I still have my little neighbor girl Adriana. She comes over to play with the big kids quite often and is almost always a hoot. From taking her to the "lime berry" to just silly things she says. Tonight was one of those nights.  I have not slept much and wanted a nice relaxing bath... As I am headed in there, Adriana asks me what I am doing... I tell her I am about to take a bath. "can I take one with you?" Uh.... I have  a vision of myself as Micheal Jackson...No baby, you cannot take a bath with me.... So I am in the tub, and after a while Tim came in to bring me towels... So he was in there visiting with me, and Adriana knocked and asked if she could come in... Tim told her no. "Why? Because Clorie is NAKED??? What are YOU doing in there TIM!?" ...

Some days are just...yeah

I know I've been aa Debbie downer blogger. So today my van took a shit. Not sure yet what's wrong ... all I'm sure of is it sucks. I had to wait 2 hours for a tow. However, I see the bright side. I wasnt stranded on the side of the road...I have free tow coverage through my insurance,  they took me home too,  and I actually have the money to fix whatever is wrong without begging, or using credit! So I'm feeling a little stressed, and overly emotional despite the good and bad of today. Oh another plus .... my mom got a new puppy!  Lucy.