First my teenage child, her boyfriend and the new job caused drama over the weekend. They were fighting, she was going to quit after one day, I had to text her off the cliff she was on for whatever reason... She's just fine now and said she was happy she chose to keep said job... Pretty sure she was never really planning on quitting anyway... All that squared away. Then the mid teenage child and the laundry situation. It manipulated itself into the next day as well when a hoodie was lost and I mentioned it might be with other clothes since other clothes were in there ya know, since she did the laundry ON MY laundry day... which started her off again, yelling after her sister was in bed. Angry that I had brought it up again. I told her she was grounded this weekend to which she exclaimed "So I never go anywhere weekends anyway" well guess who's being super nice to me, and being an angelic child because a friend has a birthday sleepover this weekend? mmmm hmmm. B...
A blog about my life, which is never even close to what I think normal might be!